When is each wand useful?


He does every time he enters a topic with people he saw in other topics, don’t mind him.



So we can say that :

  • Bulwark is pretty much good everywhere, just need to know how to aim it.
  • Conduct is nice for monsters under 45 def (chests included so best wand on chests after bulwark)
  • Crystal wand is good for +45 def monsters.
  • When you want to hit multiple monsters at once, switch to a recomp.
  • St.Abraham is situational, for bosses like Dr.Terrible or LoD dragons if you want to kill them without activating (most of the time solo only).
  • Geb’s wand is pretty much useless, I don’t think he has any special effect.

Anything I forgot to mention?


New cwand buff might just change the def cutoff where it starts being better. I am too lazy to check it now, but putting it out there for someone else to check.


Is this an alt for Zlimey? You have a very similar name and the same attitude.


frozen wand hehe xd.

Look at the recent patch notes, there should be a dps graph.


key note: cwand has been buffed


Nope, I think you got it all.

For bows and katanas yes, for wands no. Besides, the graphs posted in the update note lack equipment. The matching equipment could also influence when you should use which weapon.

Yes, but not significantly for the main question; when to use which wand. I did update the dps graph in my original comment, though.


why not use the shatter account? people arent going to listen to a light blue star very much -.-


Please don’t even jokingly impersonate me. I don’t need even one person thinking you’re me. That would ruin my realm life!


Conducting Wand is also good for tombs if ur pleb and don’t have cwand since it doesnt pierce.


meh better than you at this game obviously.


Power hungry megalomaniac


plot twist: everybody is actually just one of shatter’s alts


That’s mind shattering.


I see what you did there :wink:


your all alone m8


Being obsessed with power is a lot different then caring about you status/trust in the community.


It was an undertale meme

San’s battle thing is called Megolomania…
Bad time…

[Forum Game] Paste whatever's on your clipboard!

No, there is no way I could have known you were talking about a meme when it’s just a completely normal statement :wink:

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