When is each wand useful?


I recently started using wand classes again for the first time in forever. I was just wanting to know if anyone had a list or could make a list of every situation to use each wand in.


Not possibru, too many situations


How about the generic situations like what wand to use against each boss or gland farming


teired most of the time
cwands for shats (most times), and tombs (to not piece and pierce armor)

That lab one: basically useless
Bulwark: crystal, dragging, shats,ffa tombs, ez oppenents (abyss, snake,etc.)

The White Bag Thread

The part about dragging confused me, could you explain?


like with the bulwark, it makes a mine field, thus when you drag vulnable enemies in it, they just get destroyed.


Ahh, kk. Thanks a bunch for this. Probably just gonna feed my conducts since they’re just a waste of space.


Main wands:
Recompense - most of the time.
Cwand - versus high def enemies:
(Thessal, public Tomb, castle guards, shatters, some phases of O1, O2 if minions not blocking).

Cond - not worth carrying, unless you are around an ogmur knight.
Bulwark - just a luxury really, or for messing about because most of the shots will miss most of the time, so you’re better just using a wand that you can aim to kill the enemies directly. [Edit: great at rock crystals. Edit2: RIP rock crystals]
Abrahams - if you want to fight Lab boss/Lod dragons without activating them.

The White Bag Thread

Rock Crystal: Lel xD



But yeah, Nevov hit everything bang on.


Which is hard, considering bulwark is hard to aim from distance.


Conduct : i dont see uses unless you want to mess around.

Cwand : High Def monsters like pillars and avatar

Recomp : For Gods and Farming and Usually dungeons where you want peirce like abyss and udl

Bulwark : I never got one but people use it for glitched crystals like when they spawn on a rock (obstacles)

None of the other wands seem that important to me


Wait, why is conduct useless? Doesn’t have a higher DPS b/c of attack speed as compared to recomp?


I’m the one asking for help here but, if I had to guess, the conduct is considered useless because the only situations where no piercing is a good thing the enemy has enough def to make the cwand shine anyways.


Oh yes how could I forget the best use for a bulwark or five!


tired wands: when you want pierce (witch isn’t too often tbh)

condu: bosses

crystal: stone guardian, ava, shatts and bes (condu is better ageist nut and geb)

Abraham: cheesing lab 1st boss or black and blue in lod

bulwark: chests rock crystals and massive drags otherwise would use something else

if i am wrong then please inform me.


I just use the tiered wands all the time for normal playing because then if I’m piercing I don’t need to care if some minions gets in the way. I did use to love Cond before the wand update, and if they only put pierce on it, I’d go back to using it in a flash.


Maybe on chests and bosses that does not spawn minions?

######And also FIREBALLS!


useless, sb dmg required is 500dmg, only reason to use that is if to see if you hit it (but cwand still does better)

the many! also note many bosses have high defence, therefore cwand is better


Cwand and conduct are both waaaay overrated, the only two wands that really matter are recomp and st Abrahams, which is a bit underrated I’ll have to say.

So cwand and conduct are almost the same, neither piercing, both having reduced range, and for some reason perceived to have higher dps.

While the two both do indeed have higher dps than a recomp or t11 wand on tomb bosses and O2, where they appear to be used the most, there is a problem, because they don’t pierce, after Tomb bosses start spawning artifacts, and during o2’s first phase, there minions blocking the way, and not all shots will hit the boss, infact very few do when put into wand class’ low dex.

Recomp completely removes the chance that you shots get blocked, plus still has relatively high damage.

St Abrahams wand is surprisingly useful, especially if you are a coward. The extra range allows you to kill some bosses without even activating them, and allows you to stay a safer distance away from maybe spider in cdepths, while still dealing half decent damage.

Bulwark is shit but rare, use it near where all those white star “pros” hang around in Nexus and make them jelly


That’s where you’re wrong for cwand. It’s a great wand. It’s not overrated. This is because of wands have crap damage per second against high armour enemies. The cwand allows priest to disregard armour and do some damage. In tombs, a cwand is preferred over a tiered wand (if private + clean) due to the fact it doesn’t pierce. Artifacts tend to get killed as the boss progresses, so there will only be a short amount of time that you won’t be damaging the boss, but then again, most people with you will also be hitting the artifacts instead of the boss.

Cwand is useful, but only in certain situations, and you can use a recomp in all other situations.