When is each wand useful?


New cwand buff might just change the def cutoff where it starts being better. I am too lazy to check it now, but putting it out there for someone else to check.


Is this an alt for Zlimey? You have a very similar name and the same attitude.


frozen wand hehe xd.

Look at the recent patch notes, there should be a dps graph.


key note: cwand has been buffed


Nope, I think you got it all.

For bows and katanas yes, for wands no. Besides, the graphs posted in the update note lack equipment. The matching equipment could also influence when you should use which weapon.

Yes, but not significantly for the main question; when to use which wand. I did update the dps graph in my original comment, though.


why not use the shatter account? people arent going to listen to a light blue star very much -.-


Please don’t even jokingly impersonate me. I don’t need even one person thinking you’re me. That would ruin my realm life!


Conducting Wand is also good for tombs if ur pleb and don’t have cwand since it doesnt pierce.


meh better than you at this game obviously.


Power hungry megalomaniac


plot twist: everybody is actually just one of shatter’s alts


That’s mind shattering.


I see what you did there :wink:


your all alone m8


Being obsessed with power is a lot different then caring about you status/trust in the community.


It was an undertale meme

San’s battle thing is called Megolomania…
Bad time…

[Forum Game] Paste whatever's on your clipboard!

No, there is no way I could have known you were talking about a meme when it’s just a completely normal statement :wink:

Community Flagging


Well, now that the Crystal Wand has been buffed, and I see (1) post complaining about an incorrect DPS graph, I guess I’ll just make this one at 11 PM. Note that this Priest will be using a set of a GSorc+Pyra, which are probably decent rings on Priests…? I guess…?

If you own a Bulwark, you use it on Test Chests if you really want to, because you get about 1126 DPS with it.
CWand is underneath that with about 992, followed by Conduct with 968, and Recomp coming in dead last with a mere 916(,66) DPS. However, it should be known that the Recomp is the only one that can pierce through enemies. Consider using it in the Godlands or in other places where piercing might come in handy.
Conduct does deal more damage than the CWand in the Godlands (more up until 32 def, where CWand outdamages it), however. If you want, you can use it - there’s no stopping you from equipping whatever wand you wand (;


Comparison between Wand of Recompense and Crystal Wand (used for reference when I play priest, probably)

After its buff, Crystal Wand is now most likely* better than Wand of Recompense on these targets of interest:

Test Chest
Dr. Terrible
Horrific Creation
Gulpord the Slime God (during single-target phases)
Puppet Master
Abyss Idol
Thessal the Mermaid Goddess
Son of Arachna
All LoD Dragons
All Candyland bosses
Grand Sphinx
Crystal Prisoner
Lord of the Lost Lands
Davy Jones
Hermit God
Avatar of the Forgotten King
Stone Guardians
Shaitan the Advisor

*subjectively chosen with recomp’s piercing ability being considered (ie. piercing is in most cases, not needed for these enemies)

In conclusion, Crystal Wand has received a significant upgrade as it now beats out Wand of Recompense when it comes to most enemies that drop items of interest (especially Test Chests). However, Recomp is still better in godlands and common godland dungeons. I would argue that Crystal Wand has rocketed from situational to almost necessary, when it comes to mid to late-game content, specifically with regards to killing/achieving soulbound on single target loot-dropping enemies.

Which wand is the most essential to you?

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