Where are Beefcake Brutus's legs?


Beefcake Brutus Warrior

How does he get around? Does he drag himself with his arms? Does he use sorcery to levitate? Does he have an invisible wheelchair? Or does using this skin render your character immobile?

Are oryxmas drinks still droppable from santa dung?


I think those are supposed to be his legs with a loincloth around them. Cause the left side has something brown, like a boot or something.


Take heed, skipping leg day is no joke.


Little Known fact but he’s actually PewDiePie

Another little-known fact is that voice to text actually capitalizes the P D & P in PewDiePie

A more well-known fact is that I’m drunk right now


probably sat on an angry boi during a halls run


if im not wrong that skin is basically this but changed:


The new ones less messy though. Never liked the old version


agreed, the old one looks like his right arm is a lump and also dislocated


Old one has actual legs at least.


ty Brutus


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