White bag uses


What Should I do with white bags I get?

  • Feed Power
  • Use as gear
  • Keep for swag
  • Drop them
  • Show them off

0 voters


Depends on what you get.


Puri, Qot, Midnight star, Plane, Murky Toxin, and Void Blade.


Puri - Use(though some like Geb better)
QoT - Use(good swapout, gives ATT AND looks badass)
Midnight Star - Your choice(not entirely necessary but a very solid star in its own right)
Plane - Use (legit no reason not to)
Murky - Use (pretty good poison)
Void - Your choice(can be used and is fun but also very situational)


Whenever you get gems, drop them.


For you, pretty much any shatter white is okay to drop, I doubt the other 6+ copies of it in your vault will complain.


That’s like saying any tomb ring is okay to drop, but the sphinx, meh
And gemstone is an upgraded sphinx soooo

Btw, I only kept 4 :slight_smile:


Fair enough :stuck_out_tongue:


The god has spoken c:


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