Why aren't people doing pub tombs anymore?


I’ve recently starting playing again after taking a few months break and I’ve noticed that people aren’t joining public tombs anymore. The whole realm will rush the Sphinx and kill it but then only 3 or so people actually enter the tomb before leaving.

So far I’ve only done 1 tomb since coming back and that was when someone popped it in nexus. The dungeon felt the same as it did before so I’m not sure why people aren’t joining pub tombs.


Few reasons (as someone who likes to rush Tomb):

  • The risk-reward ratio in Tomb is not good enough nowadays.
  • The ST’s + whites from Tomb are no longer deemed as something valuable. None of them were nerfed directly (except Prot, that was back on 2020 September) but rather outcompeted + powercrept by modern ST’s/UT’s.
  • Life pot value got depreciated in today’s RotMG. When I first started my RotMG journey, it was 8 rainbows for 1 normal Life pots. Now… dudes are selling 1 GLife for 3-4 rainbows (especially the notorious Wis + Vit by the majority of the RotMG community).
  • Boss fights gets dirty real fast and next to impossible to push in especially on a melee. Boss fight needs a revamp really bad.
  • When rushing Tomb, you can’t see mobs when they are hiding in a corner (until you get REALLY close to them). Meaning, you might see a Jackal Lord with his cronies waiting to ambush if you got caught by a Paralyzing/Armor Breaking turret.

As much as I like Tomb as a 2019 player, its revamp is severely overdue.


Just a question, but why do people use WIS and VIT for GLife specifically? I’d expect a slightly more common potion like SPD or DEX, but VIT and WIS are slightly harder to get, particularly VIT.


PRCSakura has pretty much covered it. I would add though that you do still do get public Tombs, with smaller numbers than in the past but not no-one. Maybe just as I go in when other people seem to be, but it’s been with anything up to half a dozen other players, every so often.

Bad time now because of the event, and Tomb’s not hosting any of it. But try again after the event’s over; look for Tombs with interesting mods, or just do them in a busy Realm with nothing else going on (well before Oryx e.g.) for a good chance for people to join.


Dudes were buying Wis + Vits for that price… Hell, some endgame players don’t even max Wis + Vits on their throwaways.


Probably because people are grinding the current battlepass and it takes way too long for a tomb to be worth it. People still do them, just not right now


Maybe because it drops dogshit loot, life pots are 1:1 rainbow?


Sometime 1 GLife: 1 rainbow, depends on how desperate the buyer is. The more desperate they are, the more I won’t bother to sell them rainbows.


One additional reason tomb isn’t run is because one of the best items from the dungeon, the Shendyt, is tradeable and has been duplicated to hell and sold on rwt sites… It’s probably more expensive to buy an st pack or a tomb key, for players who wish to simply acquire the item by spending money. It’s a high def robe, which is perfect for people who’d also spend money on other ways to not die in rotmg. Not perfect for people who’d like to deal more damages (like the rest of the items from that dungeon).


Shendyt has also been overtaken by other items. Souless offers better survivability and is easier to get. T14 is almost as good and far cheaper. If you really want the most WIS Ritual Robe is far better. And that’s just the easily obtainable ones, i.e. the ones I’ve got. For those able to do OSanc and Shatts there are even more options. Something similar has happened to the rings, which were always 2/3 pretty meh.

The only standout from there now is Tome of Holy Protection. Book of Geb is nice for a speedy priest, but you can use a Snake Eye Ring instead, which can be thrown away when you need the space.


I disagree, Geb Book is better than you give it credit for, and Shendyt still holds its own as a solid alternative to Soulless.
The rings are all very solid mid-game options, even though they’ve been power-crept. I, for one, still have a place in my heart (and vault) for Nile, Sphinx, and Pyramid. Prot is of course great, but you’re forgetting the Pharoah’s Requiem, a very nice defensive lute.

Just my thoughts on the loot :slight_smile:


I agree that the Book of Geb is much more viable than Snake Eye Ring because its Speedy buff is affected by WisMod. Great for going fayste, plus you get heals while rushing.


people will probably start doing them again once all these events are over

events take priority

if you see a hermit being called in the realm and you’re standing on top of a tomb, would you enter the tomb or go to the hermit?


Sorry for late reply, but I agree – the heal and healing effect help a lot while rushing, which is a big advantage over other speedy abilities. It’s great in dungeons like tombs, where I carry it alongside a Puri, as well as in Abyss, and Cdepths. It helps in Woodlabs and OTs a little, but I think Puri is more useful in those scenarios.
I will update you on its performance in DDocks, but something tells me Prot might work better there.


My thought is, in a PUB tomb, that it just isn’t worth it unless you’re going for finishing your ST set. The fun you get from the close-call rushing is more valuable than the time spent/loot gained ratio. Taking 15/20 minutes to slowly clear a tomb for 1 (sometimes 0) life with most characters just isn’t worth.

I love doing solo tombs, much better use of time than a pub tomb given the ease of clearing without hp scaled enemies. Cnidaria Rod or, even better, Volcanic Sheath + max Wis Kensei, and you can clean a tomb in 10 minutes or less for 3 GUARANTEED life pots + usually a Geb Ring


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