Why is leveling stats RNG even a thing?


That’s one of the dumbest thing in this game (which don’t lack dumb things, don’t you worry): why the hell leveling grants random stats? How is getting a bad roll encouraging to keep playing or do 20 levels all over again?
If you keep on playing you have a higher risk of dying on top of a slower maxing curve. My dead 1/8 huntress with doom bow equipped that had a -21 HP roll can tell you that. Getting level 20 is a nuisance from its own, now I have to do that again? Screw that, make fixed stats increment for each character and be done with it. The game has TOO MUCH RNG, way, WAY TOO MUCH. How is it fair that luck determines if the game is super hard or okayish? I remind you -21 hp is -105 health. That alone makes dying from puny dungeons like Oryx 1 castle possible. That’s beyond dumb. I got below average on ALL stats and I couldn’t get myself through the booring repetitive process of leveling up again. So either way, you lose. I seriously prefer no RNG with constant -5 or -10 hp from average, than maybe getting +5 or +15 and then maybe getting -21. That’s just absurd and for seasoned players who don’t invest too much money in the game (god knows with all of this BS it don’t deserve it), leveling up is really just a nuisance.
I keep getting purple bags, I keep getting whites I don’t want or don’t farm, I keep getting bad roles, at a certain point I ask myself why do I even bother with this game?


Obviously I’m skipping most of the content of this post, as I currently am not able to provide a full response. However, I will just point out that -21 hp is just -21 hp; it is counting the actual number of points you are from average, not how many pots you need to drink to get to average.


uhh, what?


The stat thing is pointless, agreed. But lvl 20 isn’t hard at all. As you grow, it might not even matter to you, most content outside of Tomb/Nest/Fungal/Lost Halls can be done BEFORE lvl 20. If you cared so much about the dbow, why put it on a character with a bad roll? Same thing, if you cared so much about the pots you drank, why drink on a bad roll? Getting lvl 20 is not a nuisance, just do ice caves/pups/udl if you don’t want to glands. The game’s core design is RNG based. Don’t like, don’t play because I don’t forsee it changing anytime soon (if ever). Luck doesn’t determine difficulty here - pets do, and to a lesser extent skill. -21 hp =/= 105 health, -21 hp = -21 health. Oryx Castle can’t be considered puny, if you get swarmed in Oryx, that measly amount of hp most likely won’t help. How would investing money in the game help you level? (lvl 20 pots are 5 bucks lul no one’s buying that). You getting pbags a lot suggests you tend to do content in a large group, try duoing. Feed whites you don’t want. Only you know why you play. If you don’t want to, don’t. It’s that easy.


This is petty, sorry to sound insensitive but unless you roll a -25 life pots to max char just take the RNG for what it is and roll with it.
The grind isn’t that hard to overcome. Plenty of opportunities to max stats, you can always use realmeye to trade for the pots like life if you aren’t good at Tombs / Wlabs / Ddocks / Crystal Caverns / Nests / Lost Halls…
This game isn’t meant to be beat in a day, having patience & playing a little at a time goes a long way.


Having RNG involved in the level up process:

a) makes things easier for newer players because they don’t have to worry about stats, they can just continue fighting. (Consider: this might be part of the reason you got hooked into Rotmg, because the game did a good job of letting you enjoy fighting those lowlands enemies on your first characters without throwing stats at you).

b) gives some replayability and variation:
If this roll is -8 SPD you have to go and do more of the SPD dungeons to max.
If this roll is -15 DEX you have to go and do more DEX dungeons.
and sure, you can get a terrible roll: you get the choice of overcoming that challenge to max over a longer route, or spend the 10 mins to reroll (seriously it’s 10 mins, just level to 4 in lowlands then do one UDL fully cleared). The flip side is you have just as much chance to roll a good character, and save yourself time/pots.

I do hate some bits of RNG in the game, but this one I will defend. :wink:

I also entirely agree that a way to level-up for guaranteed stats (slightly below average), would be fine to add into the game. Such as a Lesser Level 20 Potion that you could buy with fame, and gave you -10/-10 roll, and -2 or something on every rainbow stat, but worked in an instant (same as the normal Level 20 Pot). So players who hate levelling and the RNG stats can avoid it, for a small price.


I agree that it is annoying. Now that I’ve hit a higher point in the game, it’s not as much as a problem (i’ll just max regardless of stats) but I remember how annoying it was. Ecspecially if you’re just trying to play by yourself, stats do matter a lot and I had to make 10-20 characters, looking for decent stats. However, if they don’t change it, I think a big solution is to just ignore your stats. I mean, sure -10 atk sucks but just don’t look at it. Stats aren’t nearly as important as they may seem (except for def… def matters a lot). Just play like it’s a normal charachter. Enjoy the game, stop worrying so much about maxing your chars


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