Why is more than 70% of the games content not tradable?


Well, most of the original sets will disappear in people’s vaults or on their dead bodies. It’s a temporary thing


im not sure about the server things but deca’s durin the q&a’s and such said they might implement like a code for each item and if too many of those items are made at once they’ll just delete or something. no clue if its gonna work or how it works but i pray. so really deca just needs to implement a big fix to it


Oh neat! I’m looking forward to seeing the next Q&A session here.


it’s because deca themselves don’t know how the duping is done, almost no one does. they can’t fix an issue they don’t know about


well it seems you’re complaining about not being able to get them… so… if it doesn’t take skill to get them, where’s the issue


I’d say they’re at least a fair bit better than their WC counterparts. Remember that they buffed up their stat increases to be about the same as a two tier-jump, rather than just a single tier. It makes them more attractive than a variety of their tradable counterparts.

unless you can’t participate in runs to get said new items. Plus, with T6 abilities now being notably better than the T5 ones, on top of their vastly reduced drop locations, I’d say they’re at least worth a tad more.


Just putting forth my opinion that all items should be trade-able if the duping issue is solved. No dissenting opinion will convince me otherwise as I played when all items were trade-able (and when grave-looting was a thing but that was actually bad) and preferred that much more.


I wouldnt say I’m complaining. The issue lies with running 1 dungeon hundreds of times with nothing to show for it and some people do it 5 times and get everything from it. It doesnt make a form of entertainment very entertaining. It makes it monotonous


The armors only give +2 def and +1 to the other bonuses on robe/leather armors making them a slight increment better. Hardly worth risking dying with items you probably wont ever get back (ie. Jugg/ogmur)

Theres discords that run these dungeons hourly and pretty well everyone can participate. not much of an argument


Why the fuck do people think that making items tradeable would make them easier to obtain?
Deca has all the power to buff or make rarer an item that is becoming too cheap, and i highly doubt that you could get even close to buying endgame ut’s with dbows and dblades. Realistically, an omni would be atleast 120 glife. How much of that could you get without farming endgame dungeons?


Did you even read my other replies in the comment section? I said that DECA is starting to make the game less grindy and Oryx’s Sanctuary shows that. I wouldn’t be surprised if Lost Halls got another rework because the MBC and Void fight are kind of bad, honestly.

What, lmao. The tier 15 leather armor and robe are literally the best armors in the game. Sure, the heavy armor isn’t too good. But the others are insanely powerful.

The weapons are the same, too. Especially in DPS. The Tier 14 sword is comparable to Colo in terms of DPS, without a weird shot pattern. It’s insane (Even though the sprite sucks lol).

Sure, the tier 14 bow is still kind of shit because of the true range, but you can’t deny that the DPS is massive. It’s the second highest DPS bow in the game below like 38 DEF, only beaten out by the Predator Bow.

The Tier 14 staff is just the best staff in the game, that’s it.

With the wand buff coming, the tier 14 wand is going to be an extremely good weapon.

Tier 14 dagger is… Sorry if you get that, hope for a dagger buff lol.

Tier 14 katana is probably the second or best general use katana in the game. I’d say that Enforcer beats it because it’s just better in every way except for the lack of piercing. Remember that they both come from the same dungeon.

The tier progression SKYROCKETS after Wine Cellar tops. They deserve to be soulbound, honestly.


The t15 robe gives +2 atk, +2 wis and 20mp compared to gsorc. That’s a pretty small difference and not at all jaw dropping. The t15 leather does have a nice def boost (but who rlly cares ab def anyways) and only +2 Dex compared to hydra. Why risk rare whites for a +2 to a couple stats? It doesnt change much

Skyrockets is a bit of a hyperbole. The weapons may do more damage but they’re mostly a flex. Theres UTs that are much better and more practical for general use. (Besides the staff probably)

Literally does not matter bc deathless and void bow exist. No one cares ab tiered bows


…as well as 4 defense, which is a pretty decent increase.
Additionally, sure, maybe it’s not that big of an increase as you’d like, but how much would make it “worthwhile” while not making it brutally overpowered? What kind of bonuses would you like to see on these items to make them more desirable?


Back in my day we treasured just an increase in +1 in our stats.


Well if I’m spending an hour or so in 1 dungeon I’d at least like to see maybe 7 or 8 atk, definitely 10 wis, maybe 85 mp? Make it considerably better than gsorc and a bit of a jump from star mother I dont think that’s unreasonable. As for the heavy armor not much you can do but maybe add 3 spd? And maybe give the leviathan armor some atk as well. Make It worth spending an hour of your life in 1 dungeon


Out with the old in with the new


That’d outclass water dragon, so you’d need to buff water dragon’s spd to at least give it some sort of niche. Adding 3 spd would set a precedent. A few years down the line, there’d either be pressure put on DECA for not putting spd on T16 armor, or it’d literally outclass the *speed armor. How much atk? Regardless, same thing above will happen.


You right I’m just saying make it a bit better than just a +2 for an hour long dungeon




I don’t think RWT could afford to sell whites if the duping issue was solved. Naturally, the duping issues would need a fix before any unsb-ing of UT’s happened.