Why is wizard in the game?


in lh they do and on chests they do it unless they are pussys


wizard is the only class i can think of that canot do anything to help the team.
Rogue can rush for the team, archer can paralyze, priest can heal, warrior can buff dps, knight can stun, pally can heal, buff damage, assassin (with the st poison) can curse, necro can heal, and with esben skull can slow, huntress can slow and paralyze (with ctrap), mystic can stasis and curse, trix can decoy and daze (with st prism) sorc can slow (with fulmi), ninja can paralyze(with midnight star) and samu can expose.
Wizzy is the only one missing

Necro can curse with Skull of Corrupted Souls

And something else im kinda less surprised that I forgot: pally can armor with mseal


it can kill things quickly so they donā€™t shoot shots and kill you, iā€™d say thats an important team effect


knight stuns things so they dont shoot stuff and ill you. thats also pretty imprtant


did you change your profile picture?




until they go ā€œima perma cloak so itā€™s harder for others to tp to meā€

aaaaaand self-buff

broken so much that deca needed to make a huge update just for this boi

and self-heal and self-buff

with st poisonā€¦if not, wellā€¦leech

i know i canā€™t speak for everyone (bc some actually use her correctly), but for me, stasis is usually annoying

thatā€™s a lot


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