Would you rather


Basically, the idea of this game is to say "Would you rather do/have/give/eat/etc this or that? for example

“Would you rather have 3x fame, or 3x drop rates?”

This is sort of like push the button.

Once a person answers a question, they say a “Would you rather” and the game goes on.

I’ll start us off.

Would you rather be maxed on four things, or have the best 5 Items in the game?


Maxed on 4 things.

Would you rather have sexual intercourse with your mom in your girlfriend’s body, or your girlfriend in your mom’s body?


wtf I don’t wanna


You have to. It’s the game. There’s no escape.


I drop out!


what if I have neither? now i can’t play teh game :disappointed:


You know what? This game went bad… Thanks, Mattyfatty. :expressionless:

Could you close it?


Hell no, someone has to answer the question!


Mom in girlfriend’s body. Tape her mouth shut, think happy thoughts, ???, profit.

Would you rather have infinite gold but every time you buy anything with gold, you get account in use OR get to go out for lunch with Mattyfatty?


Infinite gold. I mean, yeah, infinite gold. Infinite keys, char slots, backpacks, tops, etc. All for five minutes of waiting each time? Sorry @mattyfatty

Would you rather kill one of your family members or kill your best friend?


(10 minutes actually)

A family member. Family is overrated.

All of the hair on your body is naturally pink or you always have a small booger hanging out of your nose? (always, constantly removing it will create an infinite supply of boogers)


Mattyfatty? Could you please close it now? Or are you too immature to…? Not to insult you, but seriously. Please close it. You’re a moderator; live up to the expectations.


This escalated quickly



Would you rather close this thread, or die on a 6/8 character?

(Now that I think about it, this sounds like a threat, lol.)


Die on a 6/8 character.

Gonna ask my question again:

[Forum Game] Would you Rather

Yes, I am mature enough to close a thread. Your wish is my command.
