X.30.0.0 - Secluded Thicket


What tool tip?


It used to enlargen when the mouse was placed over it, showing the name of the quest/‘bounty’. Now it remains static. :+1:



For those who don’t know what “cheesing survival phase” entailed. It’s gonna be fixed though.


I don’t enjoy the secluded thicket at all. The status effect spam (especially confuse), the instant kill shotguns in the first boss and the insane amounts of damage being dealt are all massive turnoffs, especially when the rewards are so stingy that only 2 people in our group of 20ish players ended up getting loot. It’s clear it was designed with godmode, because it sure isn’t fun to play while mortal. The dungeon needs its rewards buffed and a total rework.
At least the fact it’s a Janus dungeon means it’s really easy to skip.


Did you just get a zero from solo?


Thats not me and testing.


finally… kewl remake

next, remake conflict please…


What, why?


It’s outclassed in basically every way by the ST orb.




Well its not outclassed, but there basically no situations at all where conflict is better than st


you can get self double-dps-boosting buff by using it with t6 orb…?

you can uh, use 7 second stasis…?

why was I using conflict all along again?


Is this new or could you always get 3 of a kind?


Ah okay xd


Even if you need only 0,5 seconds for swapping the orbs, the dps difference is already virtually nonexistant and you have a much higher chance of making a mistake.

I cant think of even a single situation where the one extra second of stasis wouldnt be outweigthed by the extra dps of t6 or the ability of stasising without cooldown.


Wait secluded thicket comes with a new spell?

Although it’s similar to the old tablet it does even less damage but has a puny mp cost, making it legitimately good for crowd clearing


Got my hands on a staff and so far I’m loving it. Armour pierce is obviously great but another thing I wanted to point out is the lower amplitude is actually significantly better for landing both shots, something that I think outweighs the cons of low shot rate.

For normal staves I will occasionally notice one of my shots missing (it’s especially noticeable since shots fire so quickly) maybe due to how an enemy is positioned, the characters relative distance from enemy (i.e it’s easier to land both shots on a “node” when two projectiles are closest) or some lag. This staff will guarantee hit both if you’re aiming correctly.

I tried soloing a LH just now and boy this staff is amazing there with all the armored enemies. Will maybe make a vid since it’s actually so great.


Completely agree with all you said. it’s a great staff :smiley:


If I’m not mistaken, yes, you could prior to the Secluded Thicket update. I might be wrong, however.
Also guten tag, wie gehts?


I got 3 mana in a cult run yesterday, which suggests it is still a thing.