X.31.8.0 - Alien Invasion Patch Note


Thanks rmg, very cool :+1:

I guess this means I’ll go for green mostly, cuz my trickster wants that stinger


Also, watch your distance with the yellow boss. Went from full to <50 HP after him jumping to me. The 8/8 Paladin that was with me wasn’t as lucky, got insta popped. Might not be worth doing yellow as melee to be honest.


Nice tips! Definitely will help some players make wise decisions to maximise their earnings from this event.

Good general advice, although if we look deeper into it, there’s slightly more to it.

I main on a quiet server, and when an alien spawns, I’ll sometimes solo the alien worlds. It takes a lot of time, but allows me to complete a significant number of planets in just one realm. In crowded realms, you only get to do one, or if lucky, 2 planets before they’re all gone. So in such a case, soloing is better

However, there’s definitely a balance to strike if you’ve got friends/a guild. I’d usually call my guild mates and some friends to tackle the alien invasion together, and we’ll coordinate to beat each planet one by one. This is probably the optimal way to grind out the planets: With a small, coordinated group of players, rather than solo (yes I contradicted myself) or in a crowd too massive, since a massive crowd may fail due to time scaling becoming too extreme


Okay, so, I crunched some numbers based on all the new items. Let’s just say… melees are fucking broken.

Assume that you have:

  • Gaseous Glaive, as that’s the superior reskin of the two
  • Tier 6 Ability or a specific UT mentioned
  • The Mantle thing
  • Entropy Reactor

Now, let’s take these and do the math.

Gaseous Glaive - -2 Defense, +3 Speed
Colo/GGen - +10 Defense / Ogmur - +14 Defense, +60 Maximum HP / Jugg - +10 Defense, +5 Speed / Marble Seal - +5 Defense
Mantle - +21 Defense
Entropy Reactor - +120 Maximum HP, +90 Maximum MP, +10 Attack, +10 Defense, +9 Speed, +10 Dexterity


These aren’t even including the extra effects from the armor and reactor.


890 / 950 Maximum HP
342 Maximum MP
60 Attack
79 / 83 Defense
62 Speed
60 Dexterity


890 Maximum HP
342 Maximum MP
85 Attack
64 Defense
62 / 67 Speed
60 Dexterity


890 Maximum HP
342 Maximum MP
60 Attack
59 / 64 Defense
67 Speed
55 Dexterity




Loaded Core is the most broken ring in the game, and that’s not just on melees.

Entropy Reactor has a number of things that make it less worth going for:

-the effects are too random to be relied upon

-the classes that can trigger the effects the most reliably (aka melees) already have other, much more reliable ways to produce the same effects (Armor Break from Ogmur, Paralyze from Electric pet, Poison doesn’t really matter because of already bonkers DPS, Decoy is the only really good effect and it’s unreliable as hell)

-on any other class, the effects will be triggered less often and won’t be as useful (small radius around yourself on a long-range class=won’t hit anything most of the time)

ER is mostly for bragging rights.

I still think Red and Green UTs are better as main weapons overall, but if you really love playing Cutlass or Tshot all day I guess CandyShi Planet is a good alternative.


Copied from an update to the Reddit:
I guess this was X.31.8.1 as that’s changed too on the front screen.

MotMG 2019 Discussion Megathread

Screenshot of what they meant by this, for those curious:

Real shit?


They got some credit for the “Isles of Forax” but then lost them all by calling the Altar a table.


Perhaps would’ve been better had they made a brand new stat for Lod 2.0 and left both the old ones as legacy stats, as the rework changed so many fundamentals of the dungeon, but that ship has sailed.

I’ve come around to thinking that the portal completions are actually okay, as the meaning isn’t what enemies were fought, but where the fight was completed, with the old ‘hard mode’ referring specifically to having visited the old Ivory Chamber, which we can no longer do.

The dungeons are named on our stats as Lair of Draconis and Lair of Draconis (HM):


So this is saying that the old ‘easy mode’ was a Completed Lod (cleared all the dragons in the room).
The Lod 2.0 is also a Completed Lod (cleared all the dragons in the room, albeit there is now a 5th)
And the old ‘hard mode’ is what has been removed, its completions no longer accruing as we no longer visit the Ivory Chamber.

Maybe if the HM stat was renamed to Lair of Draconis (Legacy HM).
This could make it clearer that the stat refers to no-longer accessible content.

Edit2: another thing to mention is the stats already were quite screwy since the dungeon was released in Jun 2014 but the counters weren’t coded until Mar 2017 (non-HM) and Jul 2017 (HM).


But an altar is a table, specifically one used for religious purposes.


It’s really just displaced/misfocused snideyness from me due to dislike of recent updates, using it as an opportunity to suggest the Devs aren’t ‘into’ their own game enough to know the correct term for it, like as if they had referred to a tome as a “book” which it is, but it also isn’t. If you see what I mean. Eh we are maybe analysing this too much now I feel like I should sit on a couch :stuck_out_tongue: .


But are you sure it isn’t a sofa?

The General Chat Thread

The physical part of the Altar of Draconis are internally referred to as LOD Table [Position], hence why it’s referred as such in the patch notes, it would have made more sense to call it the name players are familiar with but it slipped my mind, I’ll make sure to remember that in the future.

Regarding the Lair of Draconis completions, showing the HM completions does not make sense to most players from now on as the content is simply no longer accessible.
In a future update we will be displaying the total of both Lair of Draconis and Lair of Draconis (HM) completions under the Lair of Draconis label and hide the hard mode one.


I agree that making a separate counter for new LOD would be a more appropriate choice, they should call it “Lair of Draconis (HM(HM))” lol.

So this is saying that the old ‘easy mode’ was a Completed Lod (cleared all the dragons in the room).
The Lod 2.0 is also a Completed Lod (cleared all the dragons in the room, albeit there is now a 5th)
And the old ‘hard mode’ is what has been removed, its completions no longer accruing as we no longer visit the Ivory Chamber.

See, the old (HM) completion implied that you have also cleared all the dragons before fighting Ivory (since you couldn’t access it without beating all of them), so it logically equals the new LOD completion in the sense that you fought all 5 dragons to exit through this portal. Old LOD (easy mode) completion in that sense meant that you only fought 4 dragons. Where exactly the last fight happened mattered less, in my opinion - the fact that it’s no longer a separate room shouldn’t warrant summarizing old counters with 4 dragons completed with the new counters “all 5 dragons completed”.


In a future update we will be displaying the total of both Lair of Draconis and Lair of Draconis (HM) completions under the Lair of Draconis label and hide the hard mode one.

Mixing both of these counters makes no sense, it’s like summarizing pcave completions with ddocks completions (maybe not as extreme but you should get the point). What’s wrong with keeping the legacy counters and making a separate one for the new LOD? You shouldn’t take away former player’s experiences and achievements just because the rework happened.


That’s a pretty skewed comparison, isn’t it? Pirate Cave and Deadwater Docks are two completely separate dungeons. LoD and it’s “hard mode” counter was just the result of an extremely rudimentary completion counting system and the poor portal structure. They were never two separate dungeons, their original separation was just a weak bandaid solution.


Agree @Toastrz Pcave/Ddocks doesn’t apply, but LH->Hideout/Void comparison does: an optional extra map(s) to access, so they get different count stats.

Logically what was done in 2017 with Lod and Ivory counters was okay, giving them different stats [stat#26=Lod(easy), #46=Ivory(hard)] to identify which completion was done, this was consistent with how LH handled it with Hideout/Void stats [#48/49] and a plain LH stat [#47] if exiting from the base map. Different map=different stat.

…possibly would’ve been a better approach for the Ivory portal to do +1 to both stats, (in the same way Void/Hideout could’ve also granted +1 to LH stat), to indicate completion of the base dungeon and completion of the bonus map. But this approach wasn’t taken. (And to date Void/Hideout don’t do +1 to LH, AFAIK.)

It’s the 2019 changes that have been applied band-aid style and confused the picture.

In Feb when the old Lod became enforced “black”-first, the stat renaming could’ve been done, to reflect removal of easy/hardmode choice, obsoleting [#26] on the stats as Lod (Legacy EM) and renaming [#46] as plain Lod, since it was now a single path dungeon over two rooms, same as Ice Cave, Ddocks.
…but this didn’t happen.
Then with the rework it would have been natural to count the completion as [#46] since we’d have already established this as stat for plain “Lod complete”.
In any case regardless, as @Lovens outlines, it would’ve been preferable to use [#46] for the rework Lod stat because the spirit of the stat is really “has done Ivory”, not just the literal “went through Ivory’s map”
…but again, this didn’t happen.

But we are where we are. As mentioned with Lod counting nothing from 2014-2017, during its ‘heyday’, it’s already an imperfect situtation since all those completions are missing. A side effect you might take solace in @Lovens of the decisions is this way the old Lod (HM) stat [#46] will seemingly be abandoned, allowing that to remain purely as “fought old Ivory” on places such as RealmEye stats, crystallised forever (possibly) with that meaning, as I don’t think they’re talking about actually amending the recorded stats, only the stats menu display.

The stats panel handling, by adding them together, I don’t know… it seems an additional layer of complication—or is that how it works with ‘LH’ stat on the panel now (‘LH’=LH+Cultist+Void)? If not, just renaming [#46] to a legacy name seems simpler than starting to combine different stats into one if we don’t do that for LH.

Damn this took a long time to write!

Ah interesting, thanks for the explain!


Difficulty-wise, not position-wise. It’s wrong to mix counters for the dungeons that were so different in difficulty (both between old hard and easy modes, and from the reworked version).

The rest was pretty much summarized by Nevov, so I don’t see any point of explaining my point further. Messing up these counters was the lesser of all evils that the new rework brought anyways, but oh well, it was pretty much inevitable since I heard that rework is not going to be done by Deca.


Such an absurdly shitty change, not only are the new ones not tradeable, but they directly nerfed the ones that currently existed.

Deca, you keep doing good things for the game, but you continue to also make these fucking terrible decisions.


I imagine people will still use the old fplate and pixie, so why do you think it’s a problem?


Because apparently you can’t the +50 MP from the FPlate + Pixie anymore :frowning: