Zepht Needs a Guild


Hello I am looking for a guild. While this thread is open my profile will be public but after joining I plan to put it back on private to avoid some irl friends.

Would prefer to be in a guild with
-No hackers
-English speakers
-A US server (I lag on the Asia and EU ones a bit)

Just whisper me on realm or message me on realmeye and I’ll get back to you.


Hey, founder of spoicy bois here (Usmw2 based), currently 5th in the server and 1 slot left, were looking for someone that can be on daily and loves chatting. Reqs atm are 3.5k base with an 8/8 and discord. If you want to meet up sometime just respond here, add me on disc Jakethegu#5001 or just hmu ingame or a leader!


Hello ZephtEnsis!

I have recently created a guild called The Sinful! We are a guild based around friends and having a good time! We are USW based so that would be good for you! You can find more info here: (NEW GUILD) [USW] The Sinful is Recruiting!


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