About the 8/8 public deaths on the main page


This is a nice idea, the point of the interwebs is to link thinks so, yeah, would be a nice feature.

 $("tbody td:nth-child(8), tbody td:nth-child(10)").each(function(index){
        var displayname = $(this).text();

            var name = displayname.replace(/(shtrs |a |an )/, "").toLowerCase();

            var link = ("/wiki/" + name.replace(/ |'/g, "-"));

                link = "/wiki/titanum";

            $(this).replaceWith('<td><a href="' + link + '">'+ displayname + '</a></td>');

I whipped up this JQuery which you could put in some user script application. (tampermonkey for chrome)


also, when you die to one of the constructs, why does it show the paper bot, rock bot and steel bot(something) instead of the normal names?


The game translates some enemy names from how they appear in the code into something more sensible. A list of translated enemy names is up on the wiki:

I donā€™t know what is causing RealmEye to keep ā€œforgettingā€ how to translate. I have sent a message to @MrEyeball about it.

Godland Constructs

ā€œ4 MONTHS LATERā€ā€¦