Another Spell...I know guys (Spell Idea)


Spell of the Solar Flare:

Description: The rumored wrath of the sun god was sought after the Twilight Archmage. He compressed the power or the Sun God’s minion, Inferno, into one spell.


Mana Cost: 100
Cooldown 2 seconds
Damage: 10-100 (20 shot in a fire portalesque shot pattern from the origin of spellbomb)

Shots on contact will have a bleeding effect ticking 30-50
damage per second for 2 second Can be extended up to 10 seconds of bleeding per spellbomb

Shots pass through enemy(The shots will end in some kind of circular distance from the point of initiation)
[This should mimic all behaviors of a fire portal, so shot speed etc.]

+20 HP
+40 MP

  • 4 VIT
  • 2 DEF

    Average Damage (perfect spellbomb) : 1100 damage + bleeding damage)

Twilight Archmage or Pyrr Fire LOD Dragon
UT Rarity (Should be one percent drop or so)


I’m not sure what I think about the stats, but I do know that this spell will cause lots of people to panic when spell bombing Avatar.


So it basically spawns fire portals? Wouldn’t this get a little laggy?


it doesnt spawn fire portal. it mimics shot patterns


That would make REALLY weird shot pattern…

Don’t see how this spell would be useful.


Of the fire portal.

So it doesn’t exactly spawn a fire portal. It just spawns fire portal-esque shots, which still may constitute to lag.

Idk if it might make people lag, especially since it won’t disappear. Maybe buff damage and make it so that only one can exist at a time?


why would it, it spirals around for 16 shots from the origin of the shot. Because it adds the extra 10-15 damage and its base damage isnt bad and it passes through enemies like the avatar tablet


no it only shoots 16 shots then it ends in a circular arc range


so shot life will be according to how big the range of the spell is


Could you maybe draw a diagram?


It would shoot like the shot pattern of the fire portal, so spirals for 3 seconds or so?

Anyway, not as useful as the other spells.


Especially with the bleeding. Pierce is way more reliable. If you want to compete in the spell department, you gotta make something that is as good as pierce.


ok this does not armor pierce… this does what the tablet does passing through enemies and the extra additive of each time the spell particle hits an enemy it extends the bleeding by 1.5 seconds


There will be added cool down so it would not be broken to have infinite bleeding damage


So there is 16 shots.

16*1.5 seconds = 24 seconds

Max of 24 secs bleeding. Bleeding is 10-15 damage/sec. (10+15)/2 = 12.5.

12.5 * 24 = 300 damage overall.

This doesn’t even compare to other spells, especially since this when a perfect spellbomb is achieved.


dont forget there is 20 shots now and thats only accounting bleeding not accounting 20 shots with range of 10-100


Normal spells are still better; this UT wouldn’t have much use…


Contrary to the popular opinion, I’m a fan of this idea. Although I don’t like the Bleeding effect, I love the idea of a spell that acts like a Fire Portal. The sprite is amazing, as well.


Sick idea.
Nice Sprite.
Take my Like.


bleeding is pretty useless on enemies.

not sure how long it takes for it too shoot all the bullets?