Best glitch c: [Level -1]


Could be because I play on ]ongretate, but I tried vaulting some items, then all my equips disappeared and I went to the godly Level -1.

Hi yes what the fuck
Hi yes what the fuck
Strange bug
Trivial Issues Thread
Trivial Issues Thread

Try reloading. Is your character back?


omg what the
youre the chosen one?

Deca support is better than players support


It is but I still can’t get into my vault :confused:


Email DECA


What part of that was clickbait


Close client and reopen. You got the duplicate character glitch, restarting the game will fix it.

Level -1

And why exacly it got flagged?
I mean, the first two, fine, could be offtopic
But that?
He just havent hidden his email or some shit, why should it be flagged skreeeeeeeeeee

inb4 flagged

(((nickname revealed, possible danger to his account yes yes
normal humanus would react to that)))

lol flagged

(Take this like you want, but this is just weird imo)


It’s not directly related to the topic I guess.


This topic was automatically closed 60 days after the last reply. New replies are no longer allowed.


Bug still occurs so reopening topic.


This still occasionally happens.




[Merged this post and replies onto the earlier thread, to keep the discussion about this bug together. -Nevov]

This happened to me when I entered my vault, did this ever happen to anyone else before?



Spray it before it makes a nest.


It’s a well known glitch. It foretells the rise of Satan onto the mortal world I think.


Imagine that occurs in a LH run…


only happens in vault tho


Omg I wonder what your stats were.