Trivial Issues Thread


“reproduce”, not “reproduct”

You mean on the wiki? A wiki can be changed by anyone, so why don’t you do it yourself?


Nah I’m pretty sure Mynamerr is getting at the fact that if you listed out all the things that F.E.R.A.L does, “Reproduct” would not be one of them.

(Mild /s probs but like who even gives a shit lmao let’s just change it to “Reproduce” and be done with it.)


have you seen one reproduct?


Cut a piece of toastrz in half and you get two pieces of toastrz.

Cell division = Ryeproduction.

That is the nature of the F.E.R.A.L.


(Idk what it is, like the 4th url on Google)


A post was merged into an existing topic: Best glitch c: [Level -1]
(repost of known bug)


5 posts were split to a new topic: Kageboshi still drops from epic chest
(deserves its own thread)


10 posts were merged into an existing topic: No tinker event
(added the conversation from here onto the separately posted topic)


pink blobs dont sink in rivers


666 fame O_O
I’ll have you know that pink blobs float


they do?


IIRC it’s <flying> or similar tag in an enemy coding keeping them above the surface, so it is more floating (in the air) than just floating (on the water) in this case. :wink:



Shouldn’t it be Woodland Armored Squirrel?


it’s clearly a piece of armor made from wooland squirrels.


It is an “elf archer skin”, as shown in the first picture. When selecting a skin, it shows "Elf archers. Just a trivial bug/typ



Or a squirrel made out of wooland armor.






r u std


I think it broke.