Deca needs to get better employees who actually know about the game


Sometimes I feel like they don’t even hire professionals.
(And yes I told him I was in a dungeon when I died)


This post is very vague, are you complaining about the fact that they told you to pause? If so, I’m guessing you said you were in a dungeon, but how would we know that?


Is this a post regarding going afk and someone dragging on you? If so, it makes perfect sense.

Add more detail about the scenario.


we also would have to see the original email. did u mention that this was in a dungeon?

also your name is there, not sure if you want us to see it


I agree. Deca knows 0 to nothing about RotMG. Just because you can scrape together a coupe of dollars for severs and put a few days of effort into crappy content(LoDs), doesn’t mean you can run a game company successful. Hell, I wish we had Kabam back, as they actually knew where they were doing. Man someone scammed me for 40L and I sent a ticket and Deca did nothing! All they said was, sorry but we can’t do anything about dead characters and we will not revive the for any reason. Frick frack deca and their potato severs


if i was deca, i would just ignore you, if they did give you something, i would be extremely disappointed in deca.


you mean the set?[quote=“Zlushy, post:5, topic:5387”]
Hell, I wish we had Kabam back, as they actually knew where they were doing

such as? Man cut them some slack, better than the last year of Kabam. [quote=“Zlushy, post:5, topic:5387”]
Man someone scammed me for 40L

how the fck do u get scammed 40L?!


lol[quote=“Zlushy, post:5, topic:5387”]
Just because you can scrape together a coupe of dollars for severs and put a few days of effort into crappy content

Lol[quote=“Zlushy, post:5, topic:5387”]
Hell, I wish we had Kabam back

LOL[quote=“Zlushy, post:5, topic:5387”]
Man someone scammed me for 40L

If you got scammed 40L, pretty sure Deca isn’t the problem[quote=“Zlushy, post:5, topic:5387”]
All they said was, sorry but we can’t do anything about dead characters and we will not revive the for any reason

Please read the description for Realm of the Mad God[quote=“Zlushy, post:5, topic:5387”]
Frick frack deca and their potato severs

Inner SammyClassicSonicFan


Why would they? It’s your fault for not taking correct precautions. It’s completely preventable. Also you have no proof. Deca I got scammed for 90 Oryx skins plox refund.


Deca wouldn’t ignore me, in fact they responded, it’s just that their high all the time and don’t get on their sheep lol.
The proof that they don’t know anything is they release such trash and think that their making gains. I don’t think so. By Lods I mean the shitty dungeon that killed my friends 8/8 priest. Kabam was always superiour to Deca, no slack for Deca unless YOU have proof. Also I got scamed 50L I meant to freaking hackers/bullies


Lol Lol Lol???

Are you okay?


They’re*[quote=“Zlushy, post:9, topic:5387”]
The proof that they don’t know anything is they release such trash and think that their making gains.

O P I N I O N[quote=“Zlushy, post:9, topic:5387”]
Kabam was always superiour to Deca, no slack for Deca unless YOU have proof

Proof?[quote=“Zlushy, post:9, topic:5387”]
Also I got scamed 50L I meant to freaking hackers/bullies

You got scammed another 10 life in the past 10 minutes? ok


wow… shatters are a terrible dungeon b/c its killed so man of my characters!!!11[quote=“Zlushy, post:9, topic:5387”]
Also I got scamed 50L

like fcking how!


Besides a few grammar mistakes I don’t get how that support reply is showing they’re clueless.

Lets get a couple facts straightened out:

  • Deca was formed by former Kabam employees. To say they don’t know the game while Kabam did is laughable: it’s the same people!
  • I strongly believe some of their new developers hired after the acquisition last summer are actually players. IMHO there is no other way to explain how they were able to instantly jump in and fix many long standing issues so soon after coming aboard. Nearly 100% of stacked shot fixes in one release? You can’t explain that.
  • Support staff was completely changed. A lack of fully grasping support requests is expected as new employees learn the ins and outs of the game. By now, however, I would hope they’re fully acclimated. The OP’s reply seems to demonstrate support knows what’s going on.
  • Kabam didn’t do anything about players getting scammed, either, for the same reason Deca still doesn’t: there’s no record of items that may have formerly been in your possession. That is to say, if you don’t have it now there’s no record they could look at to prove you used to have it in the past. Of course they’re not going give anyone the benefit of the doubt when doing so would mean giving away 50 life pots.


Eh who cares about my name.


Yea this post was about getting dragged in a dungeon. Still don’t know why he recommended me to pause in a dungeon :confused:


bru how was the scam? he told you hey gimme 48 lifes and in the last 8 lifes trade i give you 8 skins or some :poop: like that?

bru… kabam
the most P2W era


Phishing scam sigh.

Also P2W is good


p2w only is good if you’re so bad you need to p2w


p2w is good

Rip my brain


This is the most ignorant post i’ve seen all day if not my entire life, holy fuck.