Fame Character Slots and Vault Chests


Hello all,

I personally don’t spend money on RotMG and am pretty new to the game, a few months now. When I heard that a new consumable item would give you a slot or a chest, I was really happy. Then a while ago when I saw that they were in the mystery box, I was kind of annoyed. Why make another way to get something that is payed, and have to pay for it anyway? I emailed deca support and they told me they would meet about this and can not tell me about future updates. I doubt the part about meeting.

So here are my ideas:

  • A rare drop
  • Fame to Gold Converter
  • Simply buying them with fame
  • A pack that costs fame with them in it

What do you guys think about this?


Yes, but it promotes grinding for fame. It’s not something every wants to do but they’ll find it necessary.

It kind of forces you to dedicate some time to fame training so you can finally get that one char slot.


I feel like they care more about money than player experience but if the players like the game, making money shouldn’t be a problem. There is so much about this game making it not free to play at all. Even mule accounts have a ton of disadvantages like going up stars in another account rather than focusing on main, and the inability to trade white bag items.


One problem with anything good that costs fame: Fame trainers can easily get tons of it, and become rich. That is a problem. A one time pack would actually be very good, and other than this unfortunate problem, it is a great idea.


DECA makes a significant portion of its revenue from character slots and vault chests, so it turns out it would be a problem


No, I think that if the players are having a good experience then they wouldn’t hesitate to spend some money. That’s what i meant by that statement.


equals more fame trainers

but yes, as i dont spend money on this game, it would be nice to have them at least tradeable


You’re right, there is a group of players who would still spend money on boxes and keys as long as they’re having fun. However, there is also a group of players who have only and will only spend money on character slots and vault chests, and despite this limitation, are satisfied and still having fun.

By adding fame-purchasable vaults and slots, DECA loses all revenue from second group of players while taking a big risk with the first. Of course only DECA themselves know the logistics of the two groups, but I highly doubt that they think this risk is worth taking - I wouldn’t do it if I was in DECA’s position.

Even still, this is all ignoring the huge counterargument that it makes fame-training almost mandatory for a good experience.


I didn’t read this … but I disagree


10/10 IGN.

Would logic again.




Why not read it? It’s short and to the point.

Also, why disagree? Is it because you have plenty of money to spend and don’t want noobs to have what you do, or is it because DECA doesn’t make profit off of giving away free char slot/vault chests? It would have to be the second option for me since DECA needs money to keep the game going and to improve it, but you can at least try to give a reason…


Simply put, that’s true


I’ll give a reason,
Fame. Train.

If there was a way to convert fame to gold, the game would die. Period. No one would have to buy gold, so Deca doesn’t make profits, the game turns into the Kabam ages, and everything falls apart. Having a way to spend money is the way the game stays alive, whether we like it or not.


You even quoted this, lol. I completely disagree with fame to gold conversion, but I wanted to know why @CannedSoup disagreed since he didn’t read any of it.


Read the title.


The title doesn’t show everything. He actually had one really cool idea, making vault chests and char slots very rare drops.


But if you read the title, that’s a pretty bad idea.


Guys… running the game and buying it wasnt free. deca needs money, they’re only human. you can still play this game well enough without paying money(unlike some other games), but paying makes some things more convenient. What we have here is people who want stuff that other people payed to get for free. This just doesnt work


I always thought that fame train isn’t that useful cause fame slows down after like 220. Either way these are just suggestions, not game decisions. It would be nice for me to have a chance to get a vault chest or character slot, and I want the slot honestly more than the chest, without spending money. I might spend eventually because I love the game, I might not.