Fame Character Slots and Vault Chests


You do realize pets didn’t exist back when I was F2P right? That’s not the point anyways… What’s stopping you from getting a legendary pet? Fame? Just fame farm. You are using F2P as an excuse for laziness. Fame train exists. Use it. As for your maxing problem, that’s you being bad at the game.


Comparing f2p in the days of unsb UTs and f2p now is like comparing playing on a pserver and playing on prod lol…

just go farm 25k fame

easy for people who haven’t done it to say


My pet has been fed with nothing but fame. I’ve only ever used realm gold on char slots, vault chests, and pet food. 25k fame is nothing. Obviously that’s a lot for 1 char, but the first 200 base fame takes no time at all. Next time you die on your 6/8 char stuck behind a brick wall, just fame train for 200 base fame and suicide and repeat that. If you’re not lazy you should be able to get 25k fame in a week.


willing to bet you paid 1200 gold for the legendary pet yard upgrade


@Alusclone and @Etahn pls stop arguing.

It’s all anecdotal evidence anyway, literally the worst kind.


You’re dodging the point and using me as an example of F2P being impossible. You’re lazy and looking for something to blame it on. I have gotten well over 25k fame so whether I chose to spend gold on the upgrade or not is irrelevant.

@XSpinATKx We are free to discuss this. It’s not off topic and it’s not out of control. Either join or ignore it.


how about some numbers instead

Pet yard rare -> legendary: 25,000 fame
Assuming public train is 3 fame per minute (this is being generous nowadays)
Assuming you only train until you hit the ceiling of easy fame gain (225)
It would take 75 minutes to reach 225 base. (This is honestly not gonna happen, the train sucks now, it takes almost 20 minutes just to level)
225 base, if you do everything perfectly, becomes 668 total fame. (thirsty, mundane, enemy of the gods, slayer of the gods, accurate, sharpshooter, sniper, friend of the cubes, 8%total)
25,000 / 668 = 37.42 times you would need to do this

37.42 * 75 min / 60 min/h = 46.78 hours doing nothing but fame train.

Also, it is very relevant, because this is a period of time where you are otherwise MAKING NO PROGRESS AT ALL. It’s very different to farm 25k while feeding your pet, maxing a char, than farming 25k for the sake of farming 25k.


You’re using personal testimony to refute his points, and his points are very valid.

Lazy? Absolute bullshit. Not everyone can sit in a fame train for 48.75 hours to make 25k fame. It isn’t laziness. It’s boredom. And since it’s a video game, why would he want to be bored.


Okay, I see the numbers, what about the proof? 3 fame per minute? I was getting double that on my pally when it had already passed the 225 easy basefame. I can pull a number out of my ass too. Even if we can agree that you are right with this 3 a minute nonsense [quote=“Alusclone, post:47, topic:5875”]
46.78 hours

isn’t bad. Let’s say you spend 1 hour a day (which is nothing) fame training. That’s literally a month and a half to upgrade your pet yard. If you’re so passionate about getting a legendary pet then just do it instead of complain. You have already proven it possible for me.


You really stay true to your word. [quote=“XSpinATKx, post:45, topic:5875”]
pls stop arguing.


You said join in or keep out.

I decided to join in to hopefully stop you guys.


Go check the EUN2 Fame Train now please. Not the ptrain. I don’t have access to that. The EUN2 Fame train has gone to utter trash these past couple months.

46.78 hours isn’t bad

1 and a half months isn’t bad

Okay true maybe fame farming for one and a half months isn’t bad, but… you’re forgetting something… ONE CHAR SLOT


Alright, end of discussion


If you want a legendary pet then either spend money or fame train. I didn’t forget about the 1 char slot I was just telling you it’s possible. If you want to play the game then do it, if you want a legendary pet then stop complaining and do that instead.


Exactly. You can’t play the game and get a legendary pet if you’re f2p. THERE’S THE PROBLEM.


Didn’t last long.

You can. Everytime your char dies you get fame. I spent 4 days on one character and got it to 1k base fame with no help from the train. It would take a lot longer, but you can get a legendary while playing the game.


Think so?
You’re going to hit 2x 70/70 before you hit 25,000 fame saved up. Then you’re basically forced to fame train, or you can give up on improving your pet. My 5-day old char is at 1,281 base fame so don’t pretend like I don’t know how to get fame, please.


I wasn’t pretending you didn’t know how to get fame. You basically said you couldn’t. If you can get that much basefame in 5 days then just do that 20 more times and you can upgrade your pet yard.


You don’t get the problem do you…

I’d have to suicide that char if I want any of the approx 2k fame I would get when it dies. Meanwhile, my account fame runs lower and lower as I feed the second pet I’d use to fuse. This forces me to either suicide my 7/8 or just start ignoring soulbound drops because I CAN’T FEED THEM. The only way out is to kill my char.

The other issue is once I hit 2 70/70s, which is going to happen long before I’ve farmed up 25k. What do I do with soulbound drops then?

Either I fame train, or I can forget about upgrading my pet.


You don’t have to suicide. You spent 5 days to get a char to 1.2k base fame. Just keep playing it until you die and make another character. Eventually you’ll have enough fame and you will have never had to fame train. I have already said that I know it will obviously take longer for a F2P to get a legendary but you can do it. It’s not impossible, like you seem to think it is.


With the extremely limited access F2P players have to Shatters and Tombs, I doubt I’m going to die very soon.

Let’s say I don’t fame train. I have 16 slots in my vault. I’m at around 10k saved up when my second pet hits 70/70. Guess how many white bags are going be left on the ground? How much feed power is going to be wasted?

The alternative to fame training doesn’t exactly work…