[Forum Game] Dream Job


they poop on your head.

I always wanted to be a beach bum, but


once u sat down, a tsnami came and killed u

A more active realm player


But you get bullied out of the game because no one likes you.

I always wanted to be a murderer, but


you told me and i stopped you and killed you instead

I want to be a person that does not have there realmeye notification box have Mrnamerr always replying to forums games lol


Fail (im called mynamerr not mrnamerr btw) (assuming they are still on)

I always wanted to be an adult, but…


you were stuck in time playing forum games

A person that can change mynamerr’s name to mrnamerr


…but you forgot to have the first letter in his name a capital letter, so you were put to the guillotine.

I always wanted to be a RotMG youtuber, but…


Nothing interesting happens while you are playing, so you cant make interesting vids.

I always wanted to bee hot, butt…


you wrote something like an alliteration, so i decided to punch you, and you look like a squashed bee instead.

PErson who can swim through clouds


But you fall back down after being catapulted up.

I always wanted to be a homeless billonaire, but…


people wanted your money so bad they forced you to sleep in their hotels/houses/models

a Hobo assassin


but you freeze to death in a winter night while being outside.

I always wanted to be a crazy muthaphukka.


ok but then white transforming into that, the transformer says it wrong and you turn into something stupid



But after saving someones life you got bored and quit.

I always wanted to be a night owl.


wait what? How does saving someones life as dj make you get bored? And how do u save someones life

Ok but then i shot the night owl

Want to be clouds


but then ue to some wheather stuff you come down as rain and stop existing.

I always wanted to be a post farmer…


but then Doc banned him (good idea)

I wish to be a better post farmer



wtf you stopped playing rotmg

Last seen 9 days ago at EUNorth2 as Huntress


Yes, my new computer has terrible input lag (fuck windows, I never had such problems with mac), so I wont play until it gets better.[quote=“Scorchmist, post:78, topic:608”]
but then Doc banned him (good idea)

I agree.

But now everybody ignores you.

I always wanted to be master thief.


ok but then lightning strikes you and die

i wish to be a person that can make Mynamerr not edit his post when i replied to it already.