Is The Hive/Fjungle Worth it For New Players?


I have been playing RotMG for just under 1/2 of a year now, and I was wondering if the hive was worth it. I know I look like a complete scrub, with my star rating, and well…okay I kind of am. But I believe in chars before stars. (You see what I did there?). Anyway I always try to do the hive/forbidden jungle, because I love the Vanity items, (they make me look like less of a scrub), and the feed power on the UT items. However, now that I am getting more experienced day by day, I am beginning to wonder if those are worth it, even with the chance of UT items/Dex Pot?

Starsbeforechars#Iamnotascrub# (Wouldnt let me put them in the front :stuck_out_tongue:)

Please Help,


Fjungles arent worth it except if you need something to feed. Hives on the other hand MIGHT be worth it. They can drop the orb of sweet demise which has decent feed power and can drop dex but rarely does any of the two. I suggest just doing sprites for dex.


I would, but i disconnect in sprites :P.


Well if you disconnect, then maybe do hives but i suggest doing labs/ snake pits and trading the spd and wis (if you get def then that will do too) and trading it for dex


Thanks for the info!

Aaaaand now I look like a moron, (incredibly long sigh) great.


You need to do at least one Jungle on every character, for the Tunnel Rat achievement.
(Every little bit of fame helps!)


If you’re looking for an easy dungeon that is actually profitable, you should try doing some sprite worlds. If you consistently disconnect from sprite worlds … well you better fix that because you won’t get anywhere in the game to be honest.

Fjungle is completely useless if you have anything beyond a common pet, as the uts there only have like 200 feed power. The items it drops are very bad stat-wise, the equivalent of low tier items you find in the midlands. Although they sorta look cool, they certainly don’t make you look less of a scrub xd. You shouldn’t wear them if you can find t7-t8 stuff in the glands. Glands is a very good source of equipment if you cant get the relatively common t9-t11 items that drop in the many glands dungeons, or if you haven’t yet learned how to do oryx for t11-t13 old tops and wc tops.


The Forbidden Jungle is useful for some exp, the staff, and Tunnel Rat.
The Hive is good for the orb and dex.


The Forbidden Jungle is also a great place to level, and the staff is a pretty good choice for mid-level players.


Indeed. I keep a few of them in my vault for when I need to roll new wizards/necros/mystics, since their +RoF offsets the character’s relative lack of dex.


I had that same problem. Are you playing on Chrome? If so, trying switching to Firefox or, better yet, Adobe Flash Projector. It took away all the lag I thought was my fault.

Here’s all you need to know to get going on Adobe:


I like the hive: the boss battle is interesting, even if not really a challenge for level 20 players. You can usually do it quickly, often very quickly if there’s a shortcut to the boss. The visual design is one of the best in the game. And drops are pretty good: it seems to drop the UTs, a dex pot and inc all at decent rates.


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