Should We bring back buying stuff in nexus for fame?


I have been thinking back when you could buy stuff with fame. I don’t like getting gold.


I would love getting simple things like XP Boosters.
And while the players may not like getting gold, DECA loves it. :stuck_out_tongue:


Now how about you just play the game and screw the whole fame thing since you just want an easy way to obtain items instead of working for them you insolent skrub…


Srsly tho, Bella keys were available in Nexus for quite a while, that technically counts as a fame bought item.


True. I feel some consumables would fit in nexus for fames, such as :

  • 20 min/1 hour XP boosters
  • Tinctures (maybe)
  • Elixirs (if they bring them back)
  • Some drake eggs (not the rare ones though)

Plus, they might put some consumables only during limited events. For example, being able to buy Hearticles on Valentine’s day, or this on april fool’s day.


Well i think it was a good idea to move item in nexus from fame to gold because look at are economy now if we still had the fame all the top items would be 1 life to mana each.


What about other items?


I think they should have ambrosia in the nexus for 5,000 fame. 1 fame/FP sounds like an OK trade to me.


T5 Through T7 Items Should Be Sold


But nobody would buy them.


Idk Maybe New People Would Get Them.


New players who buy stuff from the nexus usually just pay to win and buy t11-13 items from the Nexus.

I honestly didn’t make a single purchase in the game until sometime after 15 or 16 stars.
Having T5-T7 in the nexus is just wasteful and useless


again. fame farmers…


Now That I Think About I Guess T5 And T7 Is Useless


No. This will make fame training even more popular.


I don’t think so. If it was for a very low amount of fames, this could give a headstart on a new character. When I died with my character I had invested all in, I had to start over from the beggining. It took me ages to get decent items, especially because of how hard it is to get sb on an unmaxed pally with crappy stuff, and because people don’t drop items on the ground anymore. Having started with medium gear would have helped me quite a lot.


Yeah I guess (also are you mentioning my pally rn or was that a coincidence lol)


It was a coincidence, I was refering to my actual pally xD


Oh lol I have one character slot with 0/8 pally


Well I have only one character slot, so…


Pally Battle To The Death!