Trading Guide - Bluenoser


Best time of day to Trade
The peek time of day (in your country) is generally after school or after the regular work day is over. The realm servers start to really fill up with people and they want to buy or sell their items. On the weekends it will be after lunch.

The Trading Server
Generally USWest3 is acknowledged as the trading server. It is noisy, full of bots and full of people trying for the best trades or even just reducing vault inventory.

When you go to trade at USWest3, HIDE the CHAT WINDOW in your RotMG chat settings to make things easier to see, the noise level drops right away and now you only see the trades not the constant scrolling of chat. Don’t forget to UNHIDE it once you leave USwest3.

I find that I will generally spend more time here buying/selling items than I wanted to. But selling pots for 2 or 3 to 1 DEF tends to go fast and buying pots for 1 DEF may be a bit slower depending on your luck. Selling LIFE usually is pretty fast, sometimes selling pots for life can be slow if the realms are not on peek time.

You will have better luck if you have taken the time to format your sign to be readable and state who is doing the trade.


Once the posted sign (above) times out, I will post it again but add a " v " at the end. This bypasses the spam filter that RotMG has built in. I will alternate my signs between the one above and the one below.

@Bluenoser v

*Note: you can see that the line B>Mana=3_DEF, I have put an " _ " (underscore) between the 3 and DEF. This will force (usually) the chat display not to break up the displaying of the line when it sees a space.

Once you have your carefully formatted and readable sign showing, stop in one spot while the sign is active. If you move you may miss a trading chance because the person can’t click on you or may not have got your name spelled correctly to do the trade. For example type /trade bluenoser if you can’t see the person you are trying to trade with.

Realmeye Trading
I find that realmeye trading really is the fastest way for me and it allows me to play more. People are searching realmeye when they want something and will PM you if they see you are online. Its a win/win for both as it save time and keeps everyone away from the trading server.

Pots - Selling/Buying
Many people will sell pots for 2:1 DEF at the trading server but here on realmeye its about saving time (for me at least). Some of these will sell fast and others a bit slower. Sometimes you will get lucky and sell your whole inventory to one person who is maxing up.

Prices Bluenoser sells at Dec 8, 2016
DEX 8: 1 Life
SPD 8: 1 Life
WIS 8:1 Life
VIT 6: 1 LIfe - Vit may fluctuate from 6:1 all the way to 8:1.
ATT 6:1 Life
DEF 6:1 LIfe
DEF 3:1 Mana

Some people get annoyed at some of these prices, don’t argue with them, just move on.

Posting Offers:
I generally sell and buy equipment by looking at the SELL price on Realmeye Trading current offers. I look for the most common price which is usually the price most people are willing to pay.

After I have figured out what I want to buy or sell my items for I will post my offers on Realmeye. I will periodically SAVE the offers while playing to keep them current. You will have better luck if your Realmeye settings are set so that people can see your PROFILE and when you are LAST ON. I usually won’t PM people if I can’t tell that they are on when trying to buy/sell stuff on realmeye.

Dealing with someone who changes the deal
Sometimes you will meet at the agreed upon trading spot and the person will tell you he wants to pay or sell at a different price. I used to argue that the deal agreed was the one I wanted. But, I find that I have no time for these shenanigans anymore. If anyone changes the deal after I get to the agreed upon trading spot I immediately MARK them IGNORED and move on. They wasted my time and I will not reward them for it by trading even if they would change their mind back to the agreed upon price.

Item deselecters are quite common again. During a trade they will try to distract you and then deselect. Its a slimy move but I have trained myself (hard to believe that an old Bluenoser can be trained anymore) to not click trade until I have re-examined the trade. If the someone turns out to be a deselecter, then before you do anything else (not even talk to them) mark them ignored and move on.
Note: If someone deselects and then selects the same item even once I will mark him ignored and move on. Whether it was a mistake on his part or possibly not, its not worth the risk.

Overpay … Underpay … Selling FAST
Damn, I hate those terms. If you are going to sell or buy an item then tell us the price you want. For example: Don’t say Overpay for Elder, say Buying Elder for 2 DEF. Underpay ??? almost no one is going to sell an item to you for less than it is worth. If you want underpay for anything your best bet is to post on realmeye for that item.
If you want to sell an item FAST then put a good selling price on it and advertise it that way. But don’t keep the price at the going rate if you expect it to sell fast. Besides, a better strategy on selling anything is always to name the item and the price you want for example S>Hydra=1_Life. Most people already know what an item is worth so tell us the price you want up front. I hate negotiations for an item and I will always (not sometimes) pass a person by if they are selling something but not telling the price they want.

Selling/Buying things for more than 8 LIFE
Sometimes something comes along that is very rare which we need that costs more than 8 LIFE. Don’t trade life but trade something else that will fit into your 8 trading spots. For example: you want to sell a rare skin that is going for 12 LIFE. Sell it for 3 UBhp (3 life each) and 3 life or any other variation that keeps the trade down to 8 items or less. Never agree to a trade that requires trading with that person more than once for the item in question because you may get scammed.

Merching for Profit
Some people get a kick out of starting with an item or a few pots and spending time to buy low and sell high to maximize their profit. This takes time and luck but I know of a few people that enjoy this type of playing the game. There is nothing wrong with doing this. Remember though, that many people know what the prices are for things and may not be willing to buy or sell at your Merching prices.

The USWest3 Server Always Crowded

You might wanna add that you shouldn’t spam the same message in USW3, since you get muted if you write the same thing multiple times.


You are right, i forgot. I will add that.


Is this on


You are right but I felt it was time for an update. I will be replacing the old version of trading in my guide with this updated version soon.


wow did you post this after i wrote if i should write a merching guide. Good for the buyers, very nice.


Ye, it was a reply to your post but it started turning into a guide so I posted it here. :slight_smile:


very nice, i guess i have to make the counter part for the seller. There is so much info i think im going to put it on an actually website.


lol i only say op and stuff when im desperatly in need of something. I also yell “SELLING DEF FOR OP” cuz it actually get people to sell me items that normally would have been worth 2 def or more for only 1 def.


So you’re that guy.

Please don’t advertise how bad your deals are.


Great effort, as always, @Bluenoser!

You should add this to your guide.


he will!


lol, i know that’s stupid but hey, as long as it works, its okay to do something that looks a bit stupid. Plus, I only say that in one situation only


He did. Just updated the old Trading guide to this newer version in Bluenoser’s RotMG guide.


Made a minor update to the prices and some grammar changes.


1 month later.
Don’t want this getting removed haha.


it doesnt get removed. it gets locked.


still working on updates even if I am not actively playing. the update is just taking a
long time


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