Will you press the button?


Don’t press, I don’t want to end up like something similar to steven hawking. What’s life without a bit of challenge? Then it feels like you’ve achieved something if you have to work for it.

Press = LED’s become very cheap in price but incandescent bulbs disappear


sure i like to see uproars on lightbulbs

your name changes to techmech


If I dont have to make strange vids… then yes.

If you press it you’ll get a 100/100/100 pet but its gonna be taken away from someone else.


Sorry Mr. P2W. I’ll be taking your pet now.

You live forever, but you live forever.



You know HOW all of your characters die, but not when


Yes, ofc no more dieing in shatts/wc.

If you press it, you’ll get the chance to do the same thing as swatsecone (but the police will search for you afterwards).



getting beat hte crap up, but then your crush will start liking/noticing you more.


I dont have a crush, but hey lets do this for no reason.

If you press it people will open as much private dungeons for you (for free) but you’ll be hella laggy.


well if im laggy in there then sure, maybe might not enter if shats/tomb b/c of lag, but ots, cdepth and easy dungeons sure.

a flower grows out of your head



If you press the button, you will instantly become attractive and not change for 20 years and then after those 20 years are over, your good looks will fade in the span of 6 months



a meteor drops on Irak (dont know how big)


Hell yeah thousands of innocent deads (or maybe just a dent in some guys mailbox)

If you press the button, you cant move anymore but you’ll have telekenetic powers.


sure ill use those telekinetic powers to move me

when you exhaul air you exhaul fire instead


first its exhale not exhaul (took me 3 mins to find out what you meant). Id definetly press it (hell yeah, no more brushing teeth).

For this time the button is actually Kalle’s bellybutton and pressing it will give you 100 billion realm gold. But:

  • You have to travel to sweden and you have to find out where exactly kalle lives
  • Kalle might be dead
  • He might call the police or try to defend himself from you trying to touch his belly


sure, sounds fun

ssrry i spell bad

cant walk anymore but can hover everywhere


Pressed. It’ll save my feet major wear and tear over the years! :ok_hand:

If you press the button you’ll never die on another character ever again but won’t be able to wear any OP gear, (i.e. UTs, tops, etc.) but instead only tier 3 items for all of your equips.


No, that would be boring.

If you press the button, you’ll get a free rotmg T-shirt but you’ll have to wear it at school/college/work.


sure, just how long, i could wear it for 1sec in the change room. But legitly would wear it for a day (if the t-shirt looks ok)

you will meet the love of your life or meet the person who will kill oyu painfully (50-50)


If id be in love with someone i had less time for rotmg… (so no)

If you press it, the whole game will reset (=every account gets permabanned and the leaderboadrs reset).


why the fuck would I want to waste the hundreds of hours I’ve put into this game.
hell no

You advance human technology by 20 years but your lifespan gets cut short 15 years