1 Skin everyday for a month challenge (A Thread)


@Orsome, naturally


Even I think that last one is cursed. :flushed:


Even that face a mother couldnā€™t love, thenā€¦ or father, I guess in this case?
@Misiulolxd Please donā€™t submit that one seriously :flushed: Iā€™d hate to see that thing waddling around the realm everywhere


i have some other ones id sumbit over that one!


Part 7 : Conifer (yes another meme skin fight me)
Didnt spend a lot of time on this one because I am very busy today and am about to go somewhere but i cannot let yall down! Also all my files got corrupted for a good few minutes and i thought i lost it all! What if its cursed


The attack animation looks like the tree is sneezing to me. This is art.


Wait, isnā€™t the attacking animation larger than 8x8?


It doesnā€™t necessary have to be limited to 8x8 character skin. Maybe he wasnā€™t intending that with this particular one, but it could just be a tiny 16x16 enemy/char, like the st sets or something


Attacking frames can be 8x16


I want sure if they custom make the sizes or of thereā€™s preset ones. I suppose they could always create new ones if they really wanted to anywayā€¦


default 8x8 skins have one 8x16 attack frame


Really!? Interesting. That actually helps out a lot with at least one character skin Iā€™m making seriously for the game. (Well, Iā€™m making two, anywayā€¦)

Edit: Speaking of which, I had two questions regarding one of them I was making, but this is the wrong thread for that


Ask anyway


Ok then. Firstly, one of the skins I was thinking about could go either way with keeping the hair color normal or having it morph every time their Realm equivalent character skin attacks, but if I could get away with it, Iā€™d love it even more. My problem is, would dyes pose a problem, or could the developers, in theory, make it so that the attack color overrides the existing dye/cloth? Or perhaps I should just try to come up with a different dye/cloth altering pattern on the sprite than having the clothes and hair change? No, this is not a Goku or Sonic attempt, and my character had a lot of hair, DI this matters.

Secondly and less importantly, I know I probably have an astronomically low chance at getting either of what Iā€™m doing to be used in-game, but itā€™s pipe-dream. What do you guys think is the best way to present them? In some random contest reserved for that kind of thing? In a certain other thread/forum? I have next to no idea.


You can be the one doing the dye mask, this is not a problem. A general rule is to not do morphs between attack and walking animations because it can be extremely ugly or annoying. Think of your character moving in a void with very high dexterity.

Dye%20mask (this is a dye mask, use red and green only)

You could showcase your work in the Rotmg idea discord or in the ideas section of the forum, donā€™t use reddit if you want feedback. Also use Tuviorā€™s tool.


(@moderators forgive me, I have more questions now regarding this, and it should probably be moved to a different thread now. Thanks in advance!)

Iā€™d thought about this, but without actually looking at attacking chars closely yet, I wasnā€™t quite sure if attacking has its own two animations (what I thought it was) or if it was a conjunction between attacking and still animations (itā€™s been a few days since I myself have played, but Iā€™m recalling the exaggerated attack movements of my Lilā€™ Red).

I mean, as far as shooting on and off, I wasnā€™t terribly worried about it; I was planning to present the skin with and without the hair color morphing just in case anyway. The nature of said character in making kind of flitted back and forth between their colors fairly rapidly themselves from necessity!

Would you mind elaborating on the dye mask? I think I know what youā€™re talking about, but Iā€™m not wanting to assume anything, and the image too tiny for me to make out to be helpful. It looks like a series of tiny random shapes that I canā€™t seem to blow up. :frowning:

Iā€™ve never even graced Reddit with a formal visit, not to worry. I heard that these forums were less frequented by the devs, so I may give the Discord a try, then. I already joined for curiosityā€™s sake, even if I donā€™t go through it much.

What is Tuviorā€™s tool? Thatā€™s the first Iā€™ve heard of it.


Dye masks marks the area to apply with dye, green being main dye and red being accessory dye (i suppose). Just make a copy of your skin, paint green and red the parts you want to be dyed, and remove the rest.

Tuviorā€™s tool is a very dapper rendering tool that will take your spritesheet and render it like in RotMG.







Thank you! Iā€™ll tamper with that when Iā€™m able. One of my biggest problems with most spriting tools Iā€™ve owned is rendering them like in game. I discovered that a certain pserver spiriting tool helped out with that, but I wasnā€™t sure about how to present it off of that, because I didnā€™t want to make it look like I was actually using it for the game, despite me not even saving anything on it. I donā€™t want to get banned for the appearance of evil! :frowning:


hoo girl i wasnt expecting this when i saw a ā€œ13 repliesā€ notification, thought i had caused something


Hmm yes reading juice