A co-op arena


Arena, like most of us can agree, is a failiure (Or maybe I’m alone). It’s pointless to run and not worth it’s difficulty. What I am proposing is like arena except co-op as the title suggests and monsters that are unique to Arena have a chance on dropping interesting new whites.

BTW, it’s called a WIP because it’s not done yet.


Although this idea is unfinished, I think it deserves a :candy: for the nice sprites and effort. Hopefully, you will be able to finish this idea!


I like the idea, but here are some things you might want to change:

  • All items drop in a public bag? Do I need to explain myself there?

  • The wand sounds like a glorified sprite wand with a couple hundred more dps, and the fact that it has more damage than a t13 wand is a little weird. It still has piercing, and the slight wave to the shots would just make it easier to hit things. A one range difference isn’t that big a deal if you have a prot.

  • The staff, in my opinion, doesn’t have enough of a damage difference from a t12 to justify applying quiet when you use it. Would you rather have your ability or 300 more dps?

  • The forest sword sounds pretty cool, but it also sounds like the most niche weapon in the game. Dealing 1000 damage every 10 seconds (that it’s not in use) is horrible if you consider that you can do three times that in the span of a second with a warrior and a normal sword. The extra half tile range doesn’t really change the fact it’s a bad weapon.


wait LOL t16 staff. I’m getting some Back to the future vibes


Thank you


The staff wouldn’t be worth not having your spell, change it’s damage to 95 with armor piercing and it would actually be worth switching to in some situations, or you could make it more like a high tier crystal serphent (like queen stinger did with bone dagger) and give it something like 130% RoF with 85 damage.


All items drop in a public bag in order to encourage teamwork. I entirely agree that it can quickly become a pain in the ass but that’s why you run with a set of friends. Also, no point in having a multiuplayer dungeon if you aren’t running with friends as the purpose of this dungeon is to encourage working with others

For the wand, it’s main weakness isn’t the wavy (which is a weakness You would know if you use a leaf bow daily :smiley: ) or that it lacks range. It’s main weakness is the massive damage range which means the damage from your shot is entirely based off rng which can quickly become a pain in the ass, since it can do as low as 20 damage.

The staff is very situational, as in situational to the point that it doesn’t have much use. However, you have to consider that it drops from a rather common and weak monster. However, I do agree that it needs some work.

The sword is kind of bad. However, rather then using it as a main sword, you can use it as a temporary sword which you use in dungeons where you aren’t going to be shooting anyway. It could be useful if you are battling a monster which is generally invulnerable or basically unhittable and has a short period of time where you can get off a bunch of damage (Void). Also, thinking about adding pierce to it.

@HorusKane Thanks for the advice. However, the purpose of this weapon is not to be exceptionally good, but rather a situational weapon. Going to change but not to your suggested level


I just think it’s bad in general (where it was at) almost nobody wants to give up their spell bombs for a slightly higher weapon dps (which wont even come close to spell bombs)


however, you are only considering wizard. Wizard is not the only class using a staff. Just because you use wizad only doesn’t mean others do


I’d still also be able to heal on a necro and curse on a mystic, having a slightly higher staff dps doesn’t negate the usefulness of their abilities, especially when curse would give you a similar dps, and your skull could add on to your dps and also heal you.

I like the new staff stats, they look pretty good.


Because I’m not very good at the game and my balance decisions are about as good as rubbing a baby’s bum against a keyboard, I’ll just stick to visuals.

  1. I don’t like the Wand Of Quiet. It looks bland, with little shading and a kinda weird shape. I dunno what the two little floaty things on the ends are either.
  2. The knight dudes don’t look good imoimage
    I really can’t tell what that streak next to the shield is, and the rod he’s holding has a little bit that grows out and goes into the armor. The helmet looks good though, but the only complaint isn’t how the ice one kinda blends in with the gray helmet.
  3. I don’t like duo dagger weapons because often it’ll looked cramped because of how wide it is versus how tall it is. Looks really cramped in generalimage

My god he’s alive


i think there should be an arena where the whole server can join in… maybe we could call it the oryx arena


For the wand, I had no idea what to make so I kinda just made a cross. I was kind of lost because I don’t know how unique wands are made.

As for the knight, the streak isn’t a streak, it’s part of his armor design before I decided to cover half his body.

As fro the daggers, there’s no way, that I know of, to make it less cramped while keeping both daggers


tp jeeb’s arena
“Queen pls”


I did a thing like this before


Not public. We can’t see it :frowning:


Try this one


Cool but isn’t it too easy to get a hell load of tokens?


Well the token system was still being fleshed out, but just to the idea of a multi-arena (even outside of the Realmcade, like having themed arenas for themed skins) would be nice to see.

