A useful Priest buff


Priest already breaks all endgame content, no.


Sorry man, but what @Shatter said is true. With strong enough pets and a handful of priests, a lot of harder content is easily cheesable. Despite no class should ever be 100% prohibited of abilities, quiet is still fair and this should not be added


A big problem with mana being halfed instead of taken away is that it would really do anything. People with divine pets would be laughing their socks off as their mana is instantly rehealed by a 100/100/100 pet.


Instead of just buffing Priest, how about buffing wands even more? Since wands are the worst dps-classes in the whole game.


not as much as warrior are you kidding me.


Warrior can’t (almost) entirely ignore a status effect though. I’d say that would be rather more op than just having heaps of dps.


it doesnt NEED the anti debuffs:

oh? theres something that can insta kill me? too bad, its already dead

oh? its too tanky for me to kill? well i ran away so its all good

tbh berserk itself needs a nerf.


Warrior still gets pretty beaten up by endgame content. If knight does then warrior shall follow (and with less def too)


wands have already been buffed 3 TIMES [citation needed]!!

how much more do they need until you’re satisfied?!


Off the top of my head;

  • The pierce buff
  • The damage buff
  • The bullet speed buff

Anything missing?


I think Deca may have gone a little overboard with the damage buff. I don’t think anyone thought wand of the fallen needed more damage ;-; (probs salty cuz I died with all mine LOL)


It’s not that there are 3 aspects of wands that have been buffed, it’s that on 3 seperate occasions wands have been improved in the name of balance.

That doesn’t just mean “damage buff speed buff and piercing buff”, that means multiple damage buffs in addition to the piercing and speed boost.


Since wands are only given to classes that rely heavily on Mana to show their worth, they SHOULD get another buff.

One that simply gives wands in higher tiers Wisdom.

Although the buff would be small, it would be something.

Wand classes are attractive, but not because of the wands.


this is one of the truest things I have read on the forums.




Sorry Xak, could only find two times, but there ya go.


Have you even seen the lost halls


highly agree with you, maybe the quiet resistance is to strong, i can see that. but a buff other then a pure damage increase would be good.


rip socks


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