Ability Use in Fog of War


This is a pretty specific idea and I understand it will not be implemented because there are much more important QoL and bug fixes that should be focused on over this. But its still an idea in case theres ever time or care to implement it.

Note: Fog of War (FoW) is the translucent circle around your player in areas you’ve already been but are still out of range of sight (only seen on exalt).
Note: Range of Sight (RoS) is the circle within which you can see players and enemies and use your ability.

I came up with this idea when I was rushing on a rogue with planewalker. I had my cursor at a point quite far in front of me, but still inside the range of sight. I walked forward and used my ability at the same time, and did not teleport. Instead I became invisible at my initial position. This is because as I rushed forward, the black tiles rendered slower than I ran, and my cursor, although in the same position on my screen, was located on the black tiles when I used my ability.
My idea is that there is a setting that can be toggled on and off. I’m not sure what it would be called or how to describe it concisely for the settings menu, but here is what it would do:

When toggled on, if your cursor is in the FoW or black tiles, your ability will land at the tile closest to your cursor that is within your RoS. This works similarly to Wakis, where if you have your cursor past the maximum range it will still fire at that maximum range.
When toggled off, if your cursor is in the FoW or black tiles, your ability will land either at your player or will just not work (maybe add a separate toggle for this)

Some affected abilities
*Fungal Tome
*Teleporting Prisms
*Stars (on release)

Some considerations for which setting to use:

  • Abilities which require careful placement may be wasted if toggled on, as it will not fire at the desired location.
  • Planewalker and teleporting prisms may be dangerous if toggled on, as they will cause the player to teleport to a location which they did not intend. However, it may be dangerous if toggled off if you were in danger and you wanted to teleport away. It depends on the situation, and requires planning.
  • Similarly, if you want to decoy/cloak without teleporting and don’t feel like using a swapout, having the setting toggled off will allow you to do so placing your cursor in the FoW when you use your ability (same effect as putting your cursor over your character, but more exact)
    -Abilities that shoot projectiles from the player to the cursor like quivers and shields should be toggled on because if the ability is centered at the player there is no direction indicated. There is no downside of turning it on for these abilities.
    -Abilities with AoE like the fungal spell, fungal tome, poisons, traps, and orbs can go either way. On one hand, you may want your ability to go as far off screen as possible. On the other hand, you may want to use it on a more specific location, in which case it is better to save your mana and use the ability again in the same location when it is in your RoS. This is one of the cases where two of the toggled-off settings would be useful, as most of these abilities are useless if centered on the player.

I know this isnt a necessary addition to the game, but maybe a useful QoL addition for experienced players who want a bit more consistency with their ability.


I really like this idea. I had the same issue when rushing an abyss and tried to tp away with plane, instead I got hit by a ton of shots and nearly died :slight_smile:


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