About the Forum Feedback Category


This Forum Feedback category is a useful place where members can post ideas, criticisms, bugs, and questions about this forum.

However tempting it may be, this is not the best place for feedback about RealmEye itself – ie www.realmeye.com, not realmeye.com/forum. Why not? Well, the owners of RealmEye already have a feedback page that has instructions about the ways they prefer you contact them. The forum is not listed. While this is the RealmEye Forum, the owners are not frequent guests here.

Basically, if you want to be sure RealmEye sees your feedback for non-forum stuff, use their feedback page instead of posting here.

A reputation system
Realmeye app?
[Suggestion] Make realmeye show number of shatters + other dungeons completed on alive characters
Refresh trade offers with MrEyeBall
Realmeye guild fame gain per person
Improving the "Forum Feedback" Category
A nice change for the current offers in trading section
Realm Eye wiki / profiles slow for me