Refresh trade offers with MrEyeBall


Just a quick thought.
New command like
/tell mreyeball refresh offers
or someting so that your offers go to the top of the offers on the page? I’m just too lazy to switch tabs and click save changes every time xD


Don’t mind if I move this to forum feedback, please.



(I totally did not forget to send that to realmeye feedback)


Great idea, I need this desperately.


Just have your RealmEye offers open on another tab, and just click “Save Changes” every 5 minutes or so.


Too lazy to click an extra 2 times?


Did you read?


The person edited the post to add that the moment after I posted my reply.


I think you computer is weird because that part was always there.

EDIT: Just look at the time the OP last edited his comment and the time you posted your comment.


Would be nice, but you could just take 1 second and click it but… whatever, lol.

Moved to #ideas.


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