Advice to someone who hasn't been around for two years


hello again, I can not login for 2 years because of education.
I want to know all the details about the developments in the game. a few advice wouldn’t be bad either.



The Nest is an endgame dungeon that is still very possible. I wouldn’t advise going in without a big group, and definitely Nexus if you’re scared.
However, it drops life and greater dex potions (basically two dex potions in one), as well as some neat, strong UTs, as well as an ST set.

Also, the Lair of Draconis is now much more fun (though the loot is unfortunately still scarce), and the Katana is good now.


Rebuilding as a new or old player has become easier as life pots look like dimes and every god in godlands drop a dungeon now.

Deca has been making some neat UTs that will slowly do everything we think is possible.


Due to all of the events during motmg life has gotten as low as 1:2 vit


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