AKLDragon PPE Thread


So I realized I hadn’t posted anything from my *new* ppe wizard! So here is his adventure
5 whites/sts, 1 that i decided to use


Nice probably still somewhat rare bonus!

A second jugg blueprint… useless :pain: and still no jugg


Got but didnt use until later…

Not many comments here, missed the Cosmic drop from an o2


Yay upgrade!

This was the only set piece i was missing but now I’ve gotten 3. Great feed power though

Nothing much came from this


Yay ring!

And now a 6/8 wizard, not even close to 8/8 yet though

And a second non-ep sprite white


I’m now 8/8, although i didnt get a 7/8 or 8/8 screenshot.

Notable drop

All the not useful stuff, thanks for feed

Good news is, my cland curse is well and truly broken.
[insert another cc picture that doesnt want to upload -_-]

I swear 95% of the stuff this wizard gets it cant use, but thats alright since its set is fine without swapouts.

Stuff I'm glad I got (notable to me)

First mt white from an mt! (got 1 from a quest chest) over 100 done

New sheath nice

I like it


Double snowman part drop

YYAY a new skin


The last drops


And death in a void. The key had 32% extra damage from bosses, and I wasnt focused on dodging at all so I died in the first rotating phase likea a noob.


I’m going to screenshot a bit more of my tiered upgrades for this one.

Unsuccessfully tried kensei twice, with a bit of fun,

My pain when I get 2 prismimic whites but its this trash

but now I’m doing samurai.


I’m running cults on my archer because this ppe doesnt meet reqs to do discord runs (did one random run), so it will be slower for a few days.


lmao, i tped and then was watching iron man in the background and not looking. Hello beer god


I started a new archer!


Leaf bowwwww after 3 wlabs :blush:

I’ve discovered i really like this dagger on my rogue, so im glad to have a backup.




Well somebody decided to solo clear the shatters minions for fun
I was doing well until something came out of nowhere from behind and sat on me :frowning:
OOOOH it was an invisible rogue enemy, wtf. I was pretty sure I had cleared all the enemies, wow that hurts.


I am sad about this death, because that archer was going places and was recently 2/8. But it’s not as bad as some others because I did learn something new from this death.


rogue is a really bad enemy, its killed many many people


Thanks for validating me and my death :)


I had a short lived but rather nice archer ppe that I’m suiciding to make a slot for a guild ppe competition.

After 3 davys…

2 ots…

and 2 wlabs…

I am suiciding him.


Alright I forgot to post anything at all here. My ppe samurai was very successful and just died with 13.6K base fame :frowning:

How I died: In a random mountain temple, I was trying to human decoy so that other people would actually come up and shoot the boss. I tanked too many bullets, maybe weaved into all 3 shots of the shotgun, and there we go! :confused:

Review: I definitely felt sad after dying last night, but after thinking I’m still pretty happy with this. We had a no-discord rule for our competition, but I became 8/8, got tops equal to my main samurai except for shaitans waki (or ut’s that I like better), got my first few samurai exalts (learned fungal a lot better), got 2 new legendary whites and sold extra pots for like 7 decas.
My only regret is that I was at 13.6K/15K base fame. I have yet to hit 5 stars with any character and I thought this would be the first. But overall happy with this.

Here's my highlights:

Slurp knight skin! I didn’t have this yet.

Doku reskin, I like doku a lot and it was nice to get early on.

This tomb gave me some loot, but it was fun because we did it as a trio

First stinger!!! I’ve wanted one of those, it looks sick and I play trix and rogue a lot.

Fancy new pet skin I guess

Crystal Prism! (The original screenshot got blocked by a guildie trade request :p)

Went into a ddocks, by the boss I was solo. I soloed the boss and the wanderer after (Wanderer is SCARY in ddocks)

RIP Samurai. You did well.

The Death Thread