Alternative to weekly chest events


I have an alternative idea to the boring, money-draining weekly chest events that is killing the game’s economy.

  1. Make the events based off dungeon themes. Maybe not all the dungeons have similar themes, but in the future, things like ice tombs and ice caves can be part of an event so that it makes more sense and goes along with MMORPG style that this game is. And of course new dungeons that go with themes.

  2. Make the realm larger and add more landscapes. By that I mean getting rid of those dark blue tiles in the ocean that we can’t go in and actually putting them to use. Maybe create some new event bosses that drop dungeons to go with the theme, and make them be able to spawn multiple times in one realm. (Doesn’t have to be guaranteed.) I don’t know if making the actual size of the map larger but if that is possible then I would like to see it happen once it gets ported to unity. And during certain-themed events, the realm can have a certain area of landscape where those certain dungeons spawn. For example have mountains, glaciers, ocean, deep forests. And each event such as ice tomb and ice cave can be spawned in the glaciers or whatever landscape in the realm that fits the theme of the event.

  3. Add levels to the dungeon. This idea is kinda a work-in-progress, but basically it would be much more challenging and rewarding if the dungeons had levels to it. So you can complete the dungeon as you normally do and kill the chest. But the chest drops low tier rewards such as dyes. And then you can enter a portal that leads to an identical version of the same dungeon, but the boss fires quicker and does more damage each time and there are more minions. The next level of the dungeon can drop another chest but it has higher tiers and so forth. That way, the white bags can only be achieved in the last level of the dungeon, so that players feel rewarded and we don’t have blue stars who already have a vault of UTs. Deca can still profit off this by making the levels only able to be unlocked by a portal unlocker of some sort that can be bought with gold, preferably 50 gold. And every level you have to use one. That way you don’t have to buy a new key for $2 everytime

A lot of what I’m seeing is the majority of players are literally sitting in the nexus waiting for keys to be popped, when in reality, there is so much more potential that Deca hasn’t considered to make the game more interesting and yet profitable. But yea, thats my idea. Any feedback is welcomed.


Ummm… Doesn’t really seem like a massive improvement


making the dungeons more challenging so that if feels rewarding isn’t a big improvement?


Yeah, let’s just straight out make it p2w…


this game is fundamentally p2w, even buying vault chests for more space is p2w. What I’m saying is to give it a challenge so its not directly p2w.


It costs 50 gold. If you’re not p2w, you have no chance at all. Where is the challenge that makes it not direcetly p2w? At least with current system, you can get whites if you DONT pay


like i said, it a work in progress, but you can make it so that it be bought with 100-200 fame.
Price is not the main issue here.


and 1 person paying 50 gold gives access for everyone in the dungeon to go to the next level


or remove any cost for that at all


I can see it work. But, how does 1) and 2) help?


the events don’t make sense at all, especially for new players. Having themes will make much more sense and appeal to newer players. And you don’t have to wait in the nexuses all day for dungeons. it is an MMORPG game after all.


Cool idea then. I support but just saying, don’t think DECA will be able to help anytime soon (due to unity development).


This is the only idea I really agree with, especially the part where you mention putting the dark blue ocean to use. I could see that happening. But like @Leohe said it’s not coming any time soon


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