Ancient Djinn Set


100 mp/sec? What are you, high? Max mo heal is like 90/sec I think


24% fame bonus. #Nope


With no sprites there’s nothing for me to do here…

*Walks off into the dark void


Ok its a to change


Sry im giving only first suggestion to a djinja skin and new nice set thank for all suggestions im non-stop reading and change ok? ;d


In star im give armored to inspire a Djinn but djinn have invulnabre(Idk what is name of this) but with invulnabre this star is a very op and 99% unbreakable and better than seal of blasphemous prayer = NO


why is this listed under other? these are clearly ST items so… move it.


I Would Really Like To See A Set Based Off Of Djinn But Those Stats Need To Be Nerfed A Lot


here a recommendation: instead of armored, the Djinn is notorious for being one of the few mobs that can phase thru obstacles, so let it be nerfed from 100 to 25 mp/sec and the ninja is given speedy and can pass thru obstacles, their shots and stuff can’t but the ninja itself can. and buff the damage from 100 to 200-300 and keep the mp cost.


It is a pretty good idea for having the stuff drop from Djinns, but why ice? That is the only thing I am confused about. Maybe move the set into Ice Cave and/or Ice Tomb, each item being dropped by a Big Yeti or Mama Wombat (1% chance) or Esben (10% chance) or Frimar, Polaris, and the other guy (10% chance). Or you could change the things so then it would be Djinn / Genie themed, like the Katana of the Wisps, or the Star of Magic?


I like the fact that you’re allowing the Lucky Djinn to drop something, but the names of these items are pretty stupid, mainly the Katana and Star.


dude that’s my brother’s video




while quieted they could stay armoured :frowning: :frowning2:


IDK, unrelated to djinn

Sorry, Salju took this spot a LONG time ago

Name resembles too much the unreleased t14 and 15 top armours from dev 2012. Still unrelated to Djinn.

What the hell? Does this drop from Ice Adepts?

What about Jin no Kogane no Ha? Golden Blade of Djinn? Or more creative names!!!


Where are they gonna get a queit? From sitting on a Sprite god? People aren’t gonna do that just for the armoured dude,


100 mp a second will give u like 3 seconds of armoured at most


I have no clue what this is meaning, 3seconds of armours is less than a jugg


K, i dont have a ideas to names ;d


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