Ancient Stone Sword Reskin for Oryx Horde


I felt a little underwhelmed by the Oryx Horde and I feel I am not alone in saying this. The boss battle itself is fantastic but besides tokens, mystery pots, and a very low chance at one of those new bags you don’t get much out of it. I thought to go along with the whole reskin thing that goes on during MotMG with Dblade and Dbow that maybe the ancient stone sword could be reskinned and put as a drop from the horde and the Stone Guardians. So here I will be posting the images of what I created. They are themed to look like the old mossy forgotten look of the stone statues and what not, there are multiple different versions I tried creating. Tell me which ones are your favorite and enjoy!

Also here is the projectile it would shoot:

MotMG 2017 Discussion Thread (the anointed MEGATHREAD)

that’s a really good idea.


Thank you!


The concept, I like. The sprites… A little too similar to ASS. As reference, compare the MotMg reskins to the OG UTs.

My suggestion, is to up the MOSS aspect through the roof.


Really nice idea! It would be cool to see this implemented, simple idea, but adds a really cool aspect to Motmg.


Moving to #community-hub:art


It’s a reskin Idea mate, I don’t think it needs stats listed


Eh, it’s just art, so I think it could go in either, but #community-hub:art is probably more appropriate.


ohmygod I love you

I’ve been grinding for an A.S.S for 2 years (until I got one yesterday lol), and I’ve done waaaaay too many oryx hordes. This is :smiley:


Thanks! It took me 3 years to get my ancient stone sword i know the feel lol.


This, and maybe make part of the sword eroded? Idk


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