Angels Doubled Harp (New UT Bow)


###Angelā€™s Doubled Harp

Strength of a thousand angels, in the hands of a thousand angels.


  • Tier: Untiered
  • Shots: 1
  • Damage: 900-1100 (Average: 1000)
  • Range: 5
  • Projectile Speed: 6
  • Rate of Fire: 20%
  • Stat Bonus: -9 DEF, +4 VIT
  • Special Properties: Shots do not pass through enemies
  • Feed Power: 750

####Drops From:

  • Golden Oryx Effigy

####More info
This bow favors the accurate. Itā€™s low rate of fire is coupled with an outstanding damage output. This allows for even higher DPS, but requires more skill as the accuracy of your shots can really make an impact. At this rof, missing an arrow is a large DPS drop. Then there is the projectile speed which is slow compared to many other items. I did this to make it even harder to land shots. I also added in a def debuffs, as an additional balance, making the skill threshold higher. The extra vitality I added in just because of the description and name angels. Angels are accosted with healing and light usually, so I added the healing stat. The boss is the boss of the cave of a thousand treasures, and itā€™s very common. With sb damage in, you have a 1/5 chance to get it, to compensate for the rarity of the dungeon. Please leave a comment below. Thank you. :heart:ļø:heart:ļø


This screams dbow.


I tried to make it a more skill based one up from the dbow without making it too similar. Unfortunately Iā€™m already failing :confused:


Dbow is very skilled base as well.

Unfortunately, this [quote=ā€œOgGamerGod, post:1, topic:7671ā€]
-9 DEF, +4 VIT

is why Iā€™d continue using dbow.


Itā€™s supposed to make you play more carefully in return for itā€™s damage


Yes but dbow has that kind of damage but doesnā€™t have that def loss.

Actually, now that I think about it, the minus def may not matter since youā€™d be able to OHKO multiple things.


That was the point :joy:


Yes, but on the flip side there are a lot of things that it canā€™t one shot. This is where Iā€™d use dbow. Also, one dbow shot can grant SB, so the increased damage this bow gives doesnā€™t always matter when getting soulbound.

So it all really comes down to this. Is the -9 def worth the potential rewards? Can dbow attain these same rewards without the cost of -9 def? I believe so.


Idk maybe Iā€™ll lower the def debuff? Iā€™m not sure. Iā€™ll plug it into pfiffel tomorrow and see what happens.


I think Iā€™d scrap it all together.

Dbow will forever reign supreme as the best bow unless something completely overpowered is introduced.

Iā€™d rework it so that it serves as competition to the leaf bow.


Meh Iā€™ll see what other people have to say but thanks for the opinion . I also might have the shots waver back and forth idk.


That has got to be the ugliest sprite Iā€™ve ever seen. The colors are disgusting and you didnā€™t use RotMG drawing tool, so it looks very un-RotMG-like. [quote=ā€œOgGamerGod, post:1, topic:7671ā€]
Tier: Untiered
Shots: 1
Damage: 900-1100 (Average: 1000)
Range: 5
Projectile Speed: 6
Rate of Fire: 5%

So Doom Bow 2: The Weakened Version

What is the point of this.

Good. He needs something useful.

Why donā€™t you get a DPS graph here and realize the DPS is way too low. This shouldnā€™t be a white bag if so, but a cyan. However, this bow is simply too extreme, and a player with a good pet will use its quiver more than its bow, which is pretty awkward. A :candy: for your effort, but this idea doesnā€™t work for me.


Your weaponā€™s DPS is the black line. Guess I donā€™t have to explain.

Also, you do realise that with such a low RoF, you can only shoot once every 5-6 sec when maxed?


Dang hold on Iā€™ll fix it a bit.


the update made your weapon a dbow 2.0 :frowning:
slow ROF is already taken, try something new :smiley:


Lol iā€™ll try


Itā€™s not that this is such a bad idea, because I do like that it drops from a rare boss, and the sprites are neat. It is just that there is little point to using this when I can just use a Doom Bow.


Yea I guess lol.


I think thereā€™s 3 ways to go with this weapon : either give it something special, make it a UT staff (because thereā€™s not much UT staffs right now) or make it a cosmetic item. Then the dungeon would become quite like the Battle for Nexus.

Donā€™t make it something like ā€œshoots ultra fastā€ or something like that though, more projectiles = more lags.


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