Another Reskin Dbow?


###The Egg Shooter

###Shot Sprite


It shoots out eggs, and gives a hearty meal as well! Thanks to JLTheBeast!

Dbow Stats

####Drops From:

  • Septavius The Ghost God From Easter Eve To One Week And Six Days After Easter (Altogether Two Weeks)

####More info
Well recently, @Brunear made a reskin void blade that was really nice shown here (and below) to celebrate easter, so I thought; why not I make one? So I did, and although it is probably not as good as @Brunear’s, I think it looks ok at least…

(It’s probably bad btw)


Might want to redo the sprite, I cant see anything clearly but the Wildshadows logo at the bottom


I can see everything on my screen though…


98.1% sarcasm maybe

shouldnt it be in fanart cuz its just a reskin? to put it one way, the sprite looks “fat” (dk how to describe)


Yes it should be fan art you are right


Oops I forgot to add the shot


uh the sprite kinda looks a bit iffy


I quote myself


It does not look like a bow


I’m flattered, people actually noticed my idea? o.o


You know, can’t be too sure, just in case it gets implemented.


I’m sorry but… what am I looking at?

Is that supposed to be a slingshot?

Maybe if you focused on trying to make the sprite clearer, it would be easier to appreciate.

I think the main problem here is that you tried to show the projectile on the weapon’s sprite. You don’t need to show that it’s loaded with eggs, as long as it’s named “The Egg Shooter” and shoots egg-like projectiles I’m sure the players can figure it out by themselves.


@Brunear actually gives attention to every single thing she makes instead of 99% here lol


You know, when you say that, it’s like you think your item is going to be implemented into the game.




Well it is going to be hard… and anyway, like DECA will make another dbow reskin. Think about it. It already has one reskin.


No offense but I still don’t get what the sprite is supposed to be.


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