Answer a question, but the answer can't make any sense


One must enjoy satanic rituals to have a healthy lifestyle

Speaking of which, should Pentaracts be renamed as Pentagrams?


877 down, 123 to go.

Running, jogging, or walking?


Frogs are simply adorable.

Can I lick a lightbulb?


I got kicked in the face by my legless nan…

What day is it?


I found the pineapple again. Hiding it in the washing machine isn’t funny anymore.

Why did you throw that egg at my head when I was trying to help my cousin with his math problems?


Shitpost, shitpost, shitpost.

Does you be likes shitpost?


I am a potato

Have you ever robbed someone?


I eat sugar.

Who came up with lel xd ppe btw?


Nobody likes me because I answered the question this way.

How will you die?


Stephen Hawking invented the toaster.

Am I?


The zombie apocalypse started 7 years ago, and the human race finally died out today.

Are you?


no u
(wait… that answer sort of makes sense)



The world is under the control of sentient peanuts.



I wonder what potions taste like

You need to build bases to win in Fortnite


A triangle.

How does one cook a steak?


Mmm… peanut butter. Don’t judge, I really love Reese’s.

Skittles or M&Ms?


Shit… Who??? … You sure?

Why the fuck are you in my house?


Ahh… Damnit. I lost. But it’s only because you can multishine and do all of that tech skill and stuff.

Why am I so bad at wavedashing?


Always making a new excuse, this one.

Where are you from?


No I’m not angry and no I’m not nice. I’m completely neutral. Too bad I suck at the neutral game.

What’s your favorite hobby?