Answer a question, but the answer can't make any sense


i dont know why that made perfect sense with my question /offtopic

No pee is stored in the balls

why do my feet hurt


he’s back online now, don’t worry

Why is my character 9/8?


Pianos are tuned in steps of 2^1/12.

Why are light waves sinusoidal?


Wasing not of wasing is.

This or that?



What is the eigth derivative of 1?


The color blue is pretty cool too.

what’s your favorite food?


I could go for a strawberry milkshake…

do you like pixel art?


My mom collects shells.

Has RotMG destroyed your social life?


I don’t recognize Germany as a country

What is a good place to eat around you


Spaceships were made to go into space; not to masturbate with.

Has Russia conquered the world yet?


I can get Chinese takeout, if you’d like.

What is the difference between a baby and a fish?


Boston Cream Pie.

Which class should I play in rotmg?


Sorry, I don’t know how to fix your washing machine.

Who’s ready for some March Madness???


A cross between a dog and an elephant would look somewhat like a fish.

How much do you weigh?


Orange with a touch of gold.

How many pets do you own?


My brothers and sisters are morons.

Am I an edgy teen?


My great-great-great grandfather is retired. He is dead as well.

What is my favorite sandwich?


Swimming turds should be pokemon.

Do doughnuts control the world?


Ten seconds later, I realized I’d forgotten my keys.

What is the best remedy for bruised ribs?


I process nutrients through the consumption of the souls of young children.

How do I fix a light bulb?