Archer St Set :o


So we all know the archer is one of the oldest and popular classes in the game, but sadly is still lacking an st set! I don’t quite have this figured out, but trying to come up with a unique idea. The st set will drop from the woodland labyrinth. Similar to the leaf bow, the whole set will be a leaf theme. It could be something silly maybe like a ghillie suit.

The ring will have only 100 health but will boost your attack by 5 and dex by 3 to increase your DPS.

The quiver will shoot one large shot but will have a very inverted shot pattern, making it hard to hit. It will be hard-hitting though, with a 600 base damage, but has no debuffs and does not pierce. It only has a range of 6 to. It adds 2 speed.

Not really sure what the bow would be dont have any ideas on weapons honestly.

Lastly, the armor will give and extra 80 mana, for more shots, 3 dex, 1 attack, and 1 speed.

Not sure about the set bonus either sorry.
Ik its really incomplete idea sorry bout that guys l0l


Sounds good, I like the sound of it so far.
Hope to see the end result :+1:t5:


so many Archer ST sets lol


Not in game though, so more contributions on the forums is welcome.


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