Art contest submissions?


Hi I am curious on what you guys are submitting for the art contest.

Here are mine: image

Boss sprite:

Show us your June 2018 Skin Contest Entries!

For the character sprite. The shield should be a darker color or a more distinct color. At first, I couldn’t tell it was a shield and most judgement is passed at first glance. Secondly, the entire head design needs a fix. It’s all black and because of it, it just doesn’t really look that appealing.(add eyes :smiley: )

As for the boss’s just lacking any clear distinction. You can’t actually tell what is what so maybe make clearer distinctions?


Did you jist start your comment with “as for”?




Realting to what else? There’s nothing before it! Dont blow my mind.


Oh originally, I talked about the boss sprite first but decided to switch it around. I copied and pasted the character sprite part of the post so… I’m stupid :smiley:


allow me to clarify, the head is supposed to be black bc its an astronaut themed skin.

the boss sprite is meh, yeah I should work on it more.


Neither are really bad - at least the boss sprite is better than…this…
Nameless Boss finished
I was 100% tired with it and I just wanted to deliver something.

At least I like my skin…
Swimsuit Ninja 2 Animated reshade


How many times are you going to attempt to get that skin in game?


Only 1 application allowed


literally malus lmao


This would be nice for the new class coming in, if perhaps Ninja isn’t destined for a swimsuit skin.


Literally every time until it gets accepted.
I mean, it’s miles better than the previous version:
Swimsuit Ninja Skin animated 2
Why her hair float


I guess it is yeah,


I like it a lot, but perhaps more shading of the skin and the hair?


send the ninja skin to RotMG Porn Hub, you will probably get accepted,
Keep that cultist sprite when they decied to make LH 3, if that doesnt work put it into LH 4,LH 5,LH 6 or maybe even LH 7


Just a rather simple skin (this is my first complete skin)
Lasersword Warrior


The skin looks really nice! But i can not really figure out what the boss is? The animation is nice, but i kinda just see a jumble of pixels.


I made a little tutorial on how to outline and shade skins. I didn’t use a microphone, and there isn’t much description, but I hope this helps.

You need to download 2 plugin packs in the description below.


Oh that would be helpful, thanks