Ask me about Australia! 🇦🇺


Since @BurnixOne is so


I thought I would take the time to answer, I assume you’re talking about the break up of Austria and Hungary and not Australia. In my opinion, I couldn’t care less.




No I was talking about the personal union between Australia and Hungary.
Austria is too far away for that to happen.


Hah that’s funny, because they’re reversed.


Well to be fair we are literally on opposite sides of the continent

How does it feel to have christmas… in the summer O_O
Do you guys get summer vacation at christmas?

Ask me about pokemon!


It’s bloody scorching hot. Although I do remember a Christmas down here when it was bloody stormy and my power went out for the whole night. Wasn’t very fun. We do get to go on vacation too at summer so its really nice, although I don’t really get to experience it because my parents are pensioners. I won’t get into that topic. Instead I may save it for another time.


bloody 'ell mate, this is how ya tell 'es a true ranga!


How does it feel to live upside down?


Are you GHZD?


I don’t exactly live upside down but I live on a specific angle depending where I am below the equator. It’s not that weird though. It’s pretty cool.


Do I look like a white star to you?


instead of your star color being (255,0,0) add 255 to the 2nd and 3rd value

that would yield white


Ew Decimal… I think you mean #FF0000 and #FFFFFF


Why not
(255, 255, 255)?

I prefer the RGB color spectrum as a (x,y,z) coordinate.


That’s an interesting way of perceiving it as.


Yeah when I see hex codes I get triggered because I think I did something wrong with my c++ code.

Like I took a pointers address and not the thing the pointer is pointing at.

Anyone get me?


compsci ftw

also @BurnixOne fuck linear algebra


If you appreciate the existence of Linear Algebra, maybe then you would could get good at it and become alot smarter, like I did. Who knows my friend, it could get you a job in the future. (This isn’t an attack btw)


There are people that do?


3D or 2D maps. Idk xd. We just need to appreciate its existence.