Ask the Person Below You a Question



Favorite Realm video?


Favorite snack?


Salmon Maki!

Whats new with you?


I realized that Enter the Gungeon does most of what I like about Realm better than Realm does, and removes a lot of the things I dislike about it… so my Realm time has been dipping sharply lol.

Milk or Orange Juice?



What’s your favorite fruit?


bananas, apples, grapes, strawberries, plums, mangoes, oranges, mandarins, avocados, cucumbers, pineapples, pears and cherries

what is your least favourite vegetable that you’ll eat?


Who’s the coolest forumer (excluding yourself
argh got ninjaed


Probably lettuce
Who’s the coolest forumer



Frogge or birb?


I would murder frogge with a plastic knife if birb remotely asked me to.

What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?


african or european?



Favorite movie that you think I probably haven’t seen?



What are two drinks you like to combine?


shid and cum
did you know im vegan?


How do you play dodgeball? Aggressively or dodge a lot to get the balls or rely on catching to get people out


I stand completely still, which is a surprisingly viable tactic

what are two drinks you like to combine?


Lemonade and tea for lemon tea

What’s your favorite sandwich meat?


Salami :yum:

What are your pc specs?


I should probably know what these things are, but my poopy windows xp shows this:


What is your favorite season?


Autumn. I like it to be cool and dry.

How’ve you been doing?