Ask the Person Below You a Question


Interesting question. I could make myself look more attractive, but I’ve also come to love the imperfection of how my body looks compared to the “ideal” appearance. I could make myself look like a demon to scare people, but is it worth the effort to look like something that I already am? So probably not?

Do you cure hiccups or just wait them out?


I just wait them out.

What is your favorite board game.

You ninja, you. -Book


Drinking cold water has always been a fix for my hiccups, so cure.

What is your favorite temperature/weather?


D&D, although I don’t play it anymore and I’ve only played it for a month or so

Just cool enough to wear a hoodie anywhere and feel snug.

What’s your favorite season, and why?


My favorite season is probably spring because of the temperature and how things are green and blooming.

If you could have a super power what would it be?


Wdym? :thinking:


You both replied to the same question, but you did so quicker hence the “ninja”
Omnipotence. If not allowed, then I’ve always thought a stealth superpower where no one notices you which you can turn on off would be cool. Alternatively the ability to freeze time.
idk, first white bag?


That makes sense.


dblade from a leprechaun in abyss event, dont even remember when

did i forget to add a question?



Favorite length of TV show?


Yeah, I was literally hitting enter when you were, and you beat me probably literally by a fraction of a second :sweat_smile:


Wow XD


If you mean the length of each episode, somewhere around 40 minutes, which I believe is the average.

What’s your favorite childhood nursery rhyme?


I don’t have one, but the one with the muffin man’s the only one I remember for now, so probably that .
How tall are you, and are you tall for your age? (ignore the tall for your age question if you’re not in an age range that’d still normally growing lol)


Averaging out the daily 2 inch squishing of gravity throughout the day and night, I’m around 6’ 1”. Compared to most kids my age since I was 10 or so, I’ve been taller than most, even if not a giant.

If you had the choice between using industrial grade Geckskin (not the cheapo stuff on the market) or the military grade invisibility cloaks, which would you learn to use?


I don’t know how advanced these things are today. If they’re both meh, I’d take Geckskin. If they’re exactly like the ones in the movies/books (or at least similar), I’d take the invisibility cloak.

List every song you have memorized. Or “N/A”…that works too.


all star

what’s the worst class you’ve ever taken?


Film, in my old school.
I had it after being pressured by my parents because it was more unique than just “more english”.
It ended up not fitting in my time table in its first iteration, and was subsequently (albeit accidentally) left out of its second iteration. I really didn’t want to deal with more projects on top of all my other subjects (not to even mention all the personal stuff I was going through), so I ended up dropping it less than like a month in the year.

What’s the best story you’ve read/seen/experienced with a non-straight romance (sub)plot?


I quite liked the subplot in a my hero academia fanfic i read by a friend’s recommendation a while ago during the boredom that was online learning, i think(?) it was called you want it darker and no it wasn’t some shitty 50 shades ripoff. But then again, I generally steer away from pieces of writing with queerness as the focus due to stereotypicality.
What keeps you coming back to the forums?


I’m…not sure, actually. It’s probably now a habit that I’ve programmed into myself to keep me occupied and to stop me from rotting within my solitary shell

What sort of gummy lolly is your favourite? (Examples: Snakes, jelly babies)