Assassin Ability Rework




That would be too niche for assassin. The ring, i mean. Unless it was a ring that boosted all abilities, but that would do nothing to buff assassin. Ty for idea tho :slight_smile:


You can’t really compare Shield + Poison just by looking at their damage. Shield is very short range: you need to get close to use it and it only affects enemies in a small area. Not helped by the Knight’s worst speed in the game.

Poison is much higher range - basically the whole screen so 10+ if you target something at the edge. It also has a larger area of effect, and the Assassin’s high speed makes dashing in, lobbing a poison and dashing out much more effective, against hazardous enemies.

In many situations an Assassin can do far more damage than any other class with their ability, thousands of damage with each use. So like Wizard Spells, which can do the most ranged single target damage, Assassin Poisons mostly just inflict damge (they don’t slow, stun, paralyse, though one does curse).


Wizzy does damage in the thousands, and assassin doesn’t have the dps of a staff, nor an att cap of 75. And wizzy can do this from far longer range.

Knights and Wizards are extremely versatile, but assassin is very situational, only shining in dungeons like o2. I think a class with its ability being pure dps should at least get good damage, or status effects.


What he is trying to say is that with the advantage of a better armor (over the wizard) and the 25 speed advantage it is just fair that the poison does less damage. Because you can get in and out very quick to throw the poison which has incredible reach aswell.


Hmm, that’s true. But there is a reason assassin is so low on people’s class tier lists, I think there is a way to make assassin more team-oriented with these changes. Ofc this is all WIP.


I think that still does depend on the pet a little bit. A less experienced player might choose assassin over a wizard because of the DEF/SPD advantage and still beeing relatively good at getting loot. I personally loved it back in like 2012 to throw poisons in FFA tombs. You get your soulbound usually with just 1 poison throw.


Yes. But pets are OP anyway


Although that’s true. This isn’t up to debate. I’d rather have more options in which ring to use. I’d like to be able to get a ring that buffs one thing but decreases health for example. That would be so much fun. Or make a ring that gives you 20% more damage in general but your pet gets 20% decrease in his abilitys as a penalty?


I think pet abilities are just too varied for that to work. We should just keep pets the way they are, it would be too complicated to nerf


Well thats just lazy then. I remember when they already nerfed the pets from (talking about max divine) healing 100hp and 50mp to 90hp and 45mp. Still enough for perma stunning. When they invented the pets people got killed left and right from invisible shots.
But why stop there? wouldn’t it make the game much more intresting if your companion would get influenced by what you’re equipping?


Hmm that’s true. That would go in the items section though. You could do that idea, I have no means of spriting right now and it was your idea :sweat_smile:


Assassin is ‘situational’ in that it‘s good in EVERY SITUATION :grinning:

Seriously. no class is as good at reliably getting in damage, for SB and to help defeat any boss. Heavily armoured? No problem. Lots of minions? no problem. Fast moving so hard to get a shot in? No problem. You do need to learn when bosses are invulnerable, but once you do your ability becomes even more useful.

Apart from bosses Poisons are excellent at clearing, whether its walls of gods in godlands, rooms full of annoyances in a dungeon.

And you still have good DPS from your weapon, which you can use more easily safely after a Poison has thinned out or weakened enemies. Much easier to e.g. do Abyss rooms when everything can be one-shotted.


I just feel like it doesn’t do enough damage for a class that focuses on dps, and the throw time and periods of invulnerability are a problem, so i wanted to make landing poisons more rewarding and team-oriented (hence the attack debuff on enemies)


Just make the damage over time happen a lot faster.
I’ll admit I don’t like a lot of the ideas suggested so far, apart from possibly a weak on enemies, which could last about as long as Samurai expose.


That’s basically all that I think is really required to make Assassin viable.
As it currently stands, I agree with Skandling here:

While Assassin is definitely not a perfect class, it’s up there with Samurai in beeing just…good. And that’s not a bad thing!

Additionally, this would open up a possibility for a new UT poison (or a rework of Plague, if you will) that deals more damage, but has a much longer over-time effect.
I’d personally prefer if Plague would just get the faster damage, but I can see its total damage also beeing buffed to stay true to its description of slowly killing - though this is kinda straying from the topic at hand >_<


Ok i fixed it lul


There’s not many situations where an assassin would be prefered to, say, a Wizard ST spellbomb.


What would you guys think of an ability that changes the characters playstyle entirely, something like the marble seal does for the paladin or ogmur for knight? Just snowballing ideas here, but what if assasin had a poison that did minimal damage but boosted its own vit and wis and def, sort of like a regeneration. I understand pets might make this useless but given how so many dungeons have pet stasis now adays and the assasin gameplay is simply spam poisons from a safe distance until the boss is dead, I think something game altering is needed for assasin to be viable.


hmm that might be too much like pally or necro. creative idea tho!