Assassin Poison Rework [Instant Damage + Over-time]


Mystic is already an amazing class, there’s no need to buff it.


Anyone who has actually played assassin knows he is fine the way he is. He has amazing range on his ability allowing him to take out entire screens of enemies over the course of a few seconds. The fact his damage is over time makes him shine during boss fights with a million invulnerability phases. With good timing you can be doing damage on anything when no one else can. He can even get SB in on bosses like o2, killer queen bee, all the draconis bosses, etc without ever even seeing them which is hands down over powered.

I’ve said it once and i’ll say it a million times more, the only people pushing for an assassin buff are noobs who’ve never actually played the class, people who are just straight up bad at the game, and people who are too stupid to learn the timing of poison throws and enemy phases. :sunglasses:

(I could get behind an MP cost reduction though, or poisons being exactly the same but with the added bonus of instant damage. But a complete rework is hands down stupid)


the old poison effect is better. it brings me joy to see those yellow pixels as they scream in pain

they do need to do instant damage. and maybe cost less mana


yeah. as an assassin main, i can assure that assassin is pretty fun. but he is really shit when there are lots of people.

two poison= no more mana until end of fight (assuming that there is at least one melee around). that’s only 1,800 dmg.

meanwhile rogues and trickster’s dps is around 1771.37. so a single use of their ability grants them about 8856.85 dmg, counting the time they need to go in and out. a single use.

the only way to use assassin fully is to stack mp pots or to have a bullshit mp heal pet.
my pet is still rare and havent unlocked mp heal yet, so it’s really bad sometimes.


Agreed, you can self buff yourself which can give you insane dmg output


I disagree. I have played on numerous Assassins, and it always occurred to me that I deal barely any considerable amounts of damage with my poison.

True, that’s just a fact.

That depends on what kind of enemies you’re dealing with. With some stacked gods, for example, one poison certainly won’t cut the chase (T5/6) or only take out a small part of them if they’re spread out a little (Murky).

Enemy timing takes more practice for some people, and even then, it’s easy to still miss your poison. Also, stereotypes ;u

The latter’s pretty much what I was proposing in the first place, actually.

Poison buff

But he called you a noob. That means you suck at the game.

But yeah, there is literally no argument AGAINST an assassin buff, so far all I’ve seen is “you’re using him wrong” or “you’re a noob”. Please someone give me a legit answer to why deca shouldn’t buff it.


Because DPS isn’t the only factor. An ability that you can use to get damage in while standing nowhere near the dangerzone gives assassin an advantage over all other classes. Players can literally press spacebar and run away (unless prevented by terrain, dungeon design).

It’s because of this that I think assassin is a fairly balanced class as it currently stands, and, while I think personally it’s a little vanilla/boring/safemode, it can compete perfectly well against the other classes in both long and short range combat so not in need of any major buff. Minor tinkering of course acceptable but I’d not prioritise it over other classes that are more broken.


[quote=“Nevov, post:20, topic:18057”]
Because DPS isn’t the only factor
[/quote] ok this would be true if it’s ability wasn’t for dps, which it is.

[quote=“Nevov, post:20, topic:18057”]
little vanilla/boring/safemode
[/quote] there isn’t any other classes that are as boring as the sin. How is this not a problem?

[quote=“Nevov, post:20, topic:18057”]
Players can literally press spacebar and run away
[/quote] on O2. Give me some other examples where this is possible. Please.


you used to do this on cubes and skulls, but not anymore




Well boring/vanilla is a matter of taste. It’s not a bad thing, gives newer players a class they can join in with even when 0/8, and I like going assassin if I’m wanting casual play (press space get paid). There’s always going to be one class at the bottom of the list, for some it’s assassin, others priest/sorcerer, or necro, even pala can be boring if you prefer the action of warrior/knight.

I can’t tell if you are serious, or maybe misunderstanding what I’m describing - have you not played assassin much in a small group or solo? Because in almost every “threatening” location assassin has option to do this. Apart from those where we get locked in without somewhere to run to:

Assassin can do rages like Daichi, Janus, and Tombs without even stepping anywhere near the bosses, in Lod can solo Ivory rage with poison. All the serious realm quests - including Sentry, just run in while Sentinel is round the other side and spam, run back out. I fought most of the Biffs in Motmg with assassin to guarantee SB with zero need to risk him standing on me like I’d need to on a melee. If unmaxed/low pet you might do it in places like Malphas or Limon, even Stheno and hell the Jungle boss too. :stuck_out_tongue: I’m gonna stop but hopefully you get the idea. :smile:


But we’re talking about steamrolling, not soloing lol. Of course it’s fantastic for soloing since it’s poison is actually useful. But like I said before, it’s only use is in a wine cellar when there is a large group of ppl.


Well the poison should be shot like a spell: instantly. would help with the drop time problem.


wait a sec why am i still a blue star? XD


Log out of RE Forums and log back in.


Then by your logic the Rogue must be bad for steamrolling too; for he has 10 less ATT than the Assasin.
(Cloaks don’t matter when everyone is steamrolling)


Cloaks DO matter since they can planewalker into the fight and get there first, while preventing other people from tping as well. Thus getting in dmg quicker than any other class. Pretty good logic imo.

Edit: the assassin of course cannot do this since they have low def and no way of protecting themselves from danger

Nice bump btw LEL

  1. Most (but not all) rogues have a planewalker. However, the 75 Speed of an assassin can traverse an off-centered screen’s worth in about 2-3 seconds (calculations may be wrong) and he can toss his poison while he is rushing in.

  2. If the assassin is rushing in alongside him the cloak is rendered useless (in the protection aspect at least)

  3. lol im an expert at that xD


A rogue simply goes in the other direction to avoid being seen. This can be circling around the enemy and attacking it from behind.

Thats 900 dmg. Wow. Would love to see someone land it too🙄