Auto-stacking functionality in the Gift Chest! "👏Likes 👏Go 👏With 👏Likes."


If I can Please direct your attention to the attached dramatization… I’m sure you’ll find the results speak for themselves.

Furthermore, if you drag one stack onto another, the current meta already knows to complete the target stack and return the remainder to its original location; the only catch is that both stacks to be in ‘playable’ storage spaces. But if they could make that property one-directional (gift chest > inventory), then you could finish your 14-ST-shard stack without sacrificing a whole inventory space to indefinitely house the remainder.

As it stands, we require a precisely complimentary stack # to avoid getting a storage slot bricked. It doesn’t have to be the particular solution I suggested, but some manner of work-around would have to be employed in conjunction with auto-stack. It may be an added obstacle for development, but it’s an additional perk for players!




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