Balance Changes & Dungeon Cap Update [X.32.7.0]


Danm imagine getting a omni before a bulwark couldnt be meeeeeee


Wait so do loot tier potions still work in getting tops for other locations or no


I imagine this will be the final nail in the loot tier potion’s coffin. a loot tier potion can boost a tiered item tier by up to 3 tiers, but it can’t make items drop from places they normally don’t, meaning that it can only effectively boost up to the max tier that’s normally droppable by the thing you’re fighting. so if you’re fighting O2 and you get a T11 weapon as a drop, the tier potion can turn it into a T12 weapon but not a T13. similarly, if you get a T11 weapon from a mad lab, the potion can’t turn it into a T12. before this patch they were pretty much only ever used in LH to boost WC tops into LH tops to help with the miserable LH top’s drop rates, but if there’s no more WC tops in LH anymore then there’s nothing to boost. I can’t imagine what anyone would use the potions for now, the only thing that comes to mind is O2, but tops are so common from him and so cheap from other players it probably won’t change things much for you.

I agree. iirc the changes were supposed to “give classes more identity” with their tiered abilities, but it looks like they gave only a couple classes interesting stats while slapping vit and wis on everyone else. that doesn’t seem to match up with the supposed reasoning behind it since half the classes have the same stat bonuses as each other, all of which make zero difference at all. they didn’t even give the wis bonuses to the classes that have a wismod on their ability, which are the only ones for which wis matters at all.


Oryx 3 says Hi


you know what, you’re right. next time I decide to go fight O3 I will remember to bring loot tier potions for sure


In which case this one idea from the feedback channel might bee the vampire that brings it back from the dead:

Admittedly this’ll only come way after Unity gets released, probably…

For Spells it makes some sense, at least - lil’ extra spammability.
Though I personally found it rather weird that an item would boost itself when equipped, kinda leaves you wondering “wait but it said it did 400 when hovered over but it actually deals 408?”
…or, uh, somefin like that. It just kinda feels more natural to have to rely on other equips in order to maximize your own playstyle, and otherwise the base amount of damage on the weapon could bee increased rather than giving it a loose multiplier.
That said I guess this does mean that all those UT Scepters with +2 wisdom will now seem a lil’ stronger, huh…
Though I defs agree with the main point, just going w boring wis and vit on classes that could’ve gotten something cooler…speed on prisms, att on poisons, dexterity on orbs- wait, hol up, OOC already does that.


Nest didn’t need the potion nerf, very few people run it outside of events anyway. Everything else is okay.


fuck yeah

fuck yeah

both FUCK YEAH! and disappointing, dungeons have more white drops but I feel that event whites are the ones that really needed a boost

hopefully we see a change to that, as running the realm is pretty much my favourite activity in prod.

atleast the top item drop rate boost will get me to actually run LH


first lh after buff to drop rates

very intrigued to see how many more omnis there will be on players


Hearing this news… it gives me hope


Loot tiers never affected LH tops (or at least I’m pretty sure they never did).

That’s why they were garbage.


OOC? Out of Combat?

It’s delusional to think that cutting divine pets down to rare would possibly help a class so heavily reliant on mana.

As usual Seelpit just likes everything Deca does that nerfs.

My first impressions of the update are bad. The idea to limit the player cap is a vacuum decision that seems good on paper, but it’s just not going to solve problems.

  1. Pub Halls. I saw plenty of players swarm to get into lost halls only to become upset that they didn’t make it in. Deca shouldn’t underestimate the frustration factor and a lot of the players may just decide to log off when they were faced with the frustration. In addition, the one void I made it into (which was a big challenge) ended up failing. I anticipate this will be an issue going forward and the discords may need to actively screen out players to ensure runs go smoothly.

There’s a lot that remains to be seen. The amount of players jumping out of discord and going into realms doesn’t appear to have changed as a result of the update. In addition, events in ROTMG have long needed some tweaking. It is possible the dungeon cap will make people frustrated and log off rather than try and participate in events.

Ultimately, I think ROTMG needs more players. Cutting down the amount of players participating in activities is a tactical decision that is very difficult to execute.

It’s not unreasonable for a player to become frustrated with zooming into a bazaar at the speed of light. That player becomes frustrated and doesn’t do halls. Eventually the player stops playing.

The problem is the discord overlord has grown so big that cutting it down will result in hard feelings. There’s really no great way to tackle this issue.

It would be nice if people were willing to do sentry halls but the culture of realm is so discord centered now I just have to say that this will be an overall negative change.


LH tops were coded into the game as UTs I believe for that specific purpose


Assassins can stand far away from the enemies, allowing them to easily dodge and stay in in-combat mode, far more effectively than most other classes and allowing them to make full use of their pet.

Wait, so you’re saying that the hardest dungeon in the game might now require skill? We certainly can’t have that!


It’s a slippery slope. There’s an old saying that “you can either be right or be happy”.

It seems that Deca is trying to be in the “right” by aiming to make the game an environment where people die often.

Honestly it’s not going to end well.

The truth is people don’t like dying and starting over. I’d argue the game has continued to be liked largely because people have been able to avoid dying.

The screening process wouldn’t be such a big deal if there were lots of active and thriving ROTMG communities. As it stands Pub Halls is pretty much the only community the game has.


Game balances happen. Deal with it.

As usual, you’re so focused completely on your entire viewpoint that you fail to consider the bigger picture.

For example: You die due to being so used to 100 people or a pet carrying your sorry ass, or you don’t make it into a LH because of the cap. That means the patch is bad, right?

Think of it this way: none of the dungeons or realms were designed to have people over the player limit cap. It existed for a reason.

The majority of dungeons in the game were also not balanced for OOC/IC.

Discord servers flooding into a bazzar all at once to bypass the player limit was in essence abusing a glitch, which has now been patched.


Like I said, it wasn’t “right” that over 100 people could get into a dungeon but it made them happy. You’re going to get lots of hard feelings with this change as a result.

I don’t see your sorry ass releasing your divine pet either.


Just because people are happy about the way things are doesn’t mean it should stay broken.

You don’t see me complaining about OOC either.

I also f2p’d the pet to divine


Here comes armies of Omni rings!


You and seel and a bunch of other forumers just sit on here and whine that the game is too *easy hoping Kiddforce will cook up some new crazy disaster that nobody participates in.

Your whole goal is to grind the game down to fit into your Dark Souls vision.