Ban the person that posted above


Not banned cause I like using shendyt on sorc


Banned for using shendyt on sorc instead of twilight


Banned for impersonation.


Actually you’re impersonating me


banned for having a worse quality profile pic and yet trying to pose as the original


banned for adding a dragon to ur pic and making me have no reason to ban you


banned for banning me for 2 opposite things


Banned for banning someone for banning


Banned for banning someone for banning someone for banning


banned for capitalizing the b at the beginning of the sentence, along with DANMONEY


banned because this entire thread is a shitshow


Banned for swearing I’m also banning myself


banned for using pepe


Banned for your name beginning with “hor” which sounds like “whore”.


banned for using SeXiSt TeRmS


banned for making that obivious


Banned for making the obvious thing even more obvious


banned for having JESUS in your name


banned for not knowing how to use basic forum features such as replying directly to people


Banned for having no profile picture.